These instructions do not apply to all vehicles. They are only meant as a general
guide due to the number of different makes & models. For vehicle specific
questions contact your vehicle’s manufacturer.
Camera installation
There are several ways to mount the camera on the back of your car. But the most
convenient is to mount it near the license plate of the car. Supplied is one mounting plate
that can be fixed behind the license plate, and the mounting plate have been installed in
the camera.
The camera is tiltable, camera angle can be adjusted manually on vertical direction.
sure that its field of view and detection are not obstructed.
At some type of cars it is not possible to mount the camera near the license plate. You
may have to find another spot at the back of your car to mount the camera.
Remove the rear license plate, and then loosen the license plate bolts/screws.
Mount the license plate on the license plate bracket.
Choose a routing path for the camera’s power cable through the vehicle’s body to the
reverse light circuit. If in doubt, seek professional installation assistance.