a. Maintenance
1. Clean and lubricate the bed of the treadmill every 20 hours of use or monthly, which ever
comes first ( SEE TREADMILL LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS ). Daily cleaning to the sides
of the running mat will prevent much of the dirt from getting underneath the mat.
2. Prevent the build up of dust beneath the motor cover and under the treadmill body ( any work
involving the removal of the motor cover should be carried out by a qualified technician ). The
surface around and beneath the treadmill should be cleaned weekly. Less dust and dirt
underneath the machine means that less gets into it. Select a floor covering that is not
subject to the build up of dust and also protects the original floor surface.
3. Ensure that fluids are not spilt on the treadmill console or running mat.
4. Have the treadmill serviced. Call your dealer for assistance.
b. Treadmill clean and lubrication instruction
1. Using a clean towel, slide it between the running mat and the bed of the treadmill, at the motor
end, so that one end of the towel hangs over each side of the machine.
2. Grasp each end of the towel and gradually pull it back towards the rear of the machine. ( make
sure the mat does not move ).
3. When you reach the rear roller, push the MAT and towel to the motor end so the towel is back
near the motor cover. Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice. This action cleans the mat and deck of the
4. Take the container of lubricant and apply to the treadmill bed.
5. Walk on the treadmill for two minutes at about 5 km/h, to spread the lubricant.