Necessary Equipment:
Critical Specifications
Recommended Model
Analog Oscilloscope with
10MHz probes
100MHz Bandwidth
Tektronix 2445
Dale CMF55 or equivalent
Dale CMF55 or equivalent
6.34 k
Dale CMF55 or equivalent
Dale CMF55 or equivalent
22 nF Capacitor
1% NPO
Murata Erie RPE series or equiv-
Front Panel Test
This test verifies the front panel display digits, LEDs, and keypad.
1. Turn on the unit while holding down the
key. A single segment in the third
digit of the left display should be on.
2. Press the down arrow key
to light each segment (seven total) and the decimal
for the third and fourth digits of the left display, for a total of 16 segments. Only
one segment or decimal point should be on at a time. (Pressing the up arrow key
will step backward through the pattern.)
3. Press the down arrow key
again (17th time) to light all the segments of all 12
digits. The AUTO LED will also be on.
4. Press the down arrow key
repeatedly to light the 25 LEDs in the display and the
26 LEDs on the keypad. The LEDs turn on one at a time, from top to bottom and
left to right, first for the display, and then for the keypad. Only one LED should be
on at a time.
5. After all of the LEDs have been tested, further pressing of the front panel keys will
display the key code associated with each key. Each key has a different key
code, starting with 01 at the upper left, and increasing from top to bottom then left
to right.
6. The unit must be switched off to leave this mode.
Self Tests
The internal self tests verify the functionality of the 9216A. Turn on the unit. The ROM
program and model name will be displayed for about three seconds. Next the message
"tESt....' will be displayed while the unit performs its self tests. After the tests are com-
pleted the unit should display 'tESt PASS' to indicate that the tests were successful. If not,
an error message will appear. See the TROUBLESHOOTING section for a description of
the error messages.
Output Voltage
This test checks the 9216A output voltage for the correct frequency and amplitude.