Measurement Modes: Auto, R+Q, L+Q, C+D, C+R
Equivalent Circuit: Series or Parallel
Parameters Displayed: Value, Deviation, % Deviation or Bin Number. Deviation
and % deviation are calculated from a stored relative value
Averaging: 2
–10 Measurements
Measurement Range:
R+Q: R: 0.0001
–2000 M
Q: 0.00001
L+Q: L: 0.0001 µH
–99999 H
Q: 0.00001
C+D: C: 0.0001 pF
–99999 µF
D: 0.00001
C+R: C: 0.0001 pF
–99999 µF
R: 0.00001
–99999 k
Test Conditions
Test Frequency:
100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz
Frequency accuracy: ±100ppm.
Drive Voltage:
Preset Levels: 0.10, 0.25, and 1.0 Vrms.
Vernier: 0.1 to 1.0 Vrms with 50 mV resolution.
Drive level accuracy:
Measurement Rates:
(a) Slow (2 meas./sec.), Medium (10 meas./sec.), or Fast
(20 meas./sec.) for test frequencies of 1 kHz and above.
(b) Approx. 0.6, 2.4, or 6 measurements per second at
100 Hz and 120 Hz.
Auto or Manual
Continuous, Manual, or Remote over RS232 or
Handler Interface
Bias Voltage
Internal: 2.0 VDC ±2%
External: 0 to +40 VDC (fused @ 0.25 A)
Conditions: Allow 30 minutes of warmup before measurements; all accuracies are at
23° C (73
F) ±5°C
Basic accuracy 0.05%. Refer to the accuracy section in the Reference Manual for
detailed specifications.
The following summarizes typical accuracy specifications: