Connect the primary of a 16.5VAC, 50/60Hz, 40VA
Transformer to the electrical circuit and run the
secondary to the AC input on the controller terminals.
The tamper input
switch should be
connected to the
tamper connection
terminals as shown in
the diagram below. The
tamper input opens and
closes trouble zone
RDxxx:01 on the PGM
It is recommended that a minimum of a 4Ah battery is
used as the main backup battery. From the accessory
bag provided, connect the RED and BLACK battery
termination wires to the B+ and B- terminals.
The Protégé PGM Expander incorporates encrypted RS-485
communications technology. The isolated communications
interface offers full galvanic isolation to prevent ground
loop noise and cross phase ground differential between
network devices.
Connection of the communications should be performed
according to the diagram shown above. It is important that
the N+ Network Communications Power be supplied from
an independent battery backed power supply unit or a
networked module capable of supplying the required power
to all devices on the RS485 network.
Always connect the PGM Expander’s NA and NB terminals
to the NA and NB terminals of the communication network.
The N+ and N- must go to a 12V power supply source as
shown in the following diagram and connected at ONLY one
+12V power source.
The EOL (End Of Line) jumper setting MUST
be set in the ON position for the FIRST and
LAST module on the RS485 network. EOL is
ON when the jumper is closest to the EOL
The addressing of the Protégé PGM Expander allows up to
128 devices to be connected to the Protégé System
Controller. The 'CONFIG' configuration DIP switch allows
each PGM expander to have a unique address.
The switch positions 1 to 7 select the device address from
1 to 128. When setting an address the PGM expander
must be powered down (Battery and AC) and restarted
for the new address to take affect. When changing the
address the PGM expander will automatically default the
internal configuration and require a network update. See
the Protégé System reference manual for information on
performing a module update.
The device address is determined by adding the value of
each switch that is selected in the ON position and then
adding 1 to this value. In the example below the address
079 results in (64+8+4+2) + 1 = 079. Setting all
address switches to OFF results in the default address of