PRS 500 B User Manual
PROTEC GmbH & Co. KG, In den Dorfwiesen 14, 71720 Oberstenfeld, Germany
10 from 42
Vertical Bucky Wall Stand
Space saving with minimal footprint
Floor mounted wall stand
cassette loading from the right or left side (specified at installation)
Useable for variable cassette/detector sizes. Formats from 13 cm x 18 cm (5” x 7”) to 43 cm x 43
cm (17” x 17”), depending on analog or digital use
Prepared for digital Bucky’s
Intended use
The general-purpose diagnostic X-ray systems of the PRS 500-series are intended for various routine
applications in planar X-ray imaging in human medicine.
They are stationary systems that can be used both for analogue and digital imaging.
At the acceptance test a 25mm Aluminium / 99,5% purity can be used as a
phantom for a patient equivalent.
The acceptance test has to be made in accordance to the local laws and directives.
Only Special trained People are allowed to do this.
Indication and Contraindication
Justification of medical exposures
According to §23 of the German Radiological Ordinance (RöV), an X-ray examination is only justified if
the patients benefit from x-ray diagnostics outweighs the radiation risk. The examination method,
means the conventional X-ray with the PRS 500 system, must be suitable to answer the diagnostic
question and no other more suitable alternative method is available.
Accordingly, it is also described by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the document
Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards
(Requirement 37:
Justification of medical exposures). It also refers to the need to consider national or international
guidelines for the justification of a medical exposure.
A complete list of indications is unrealisable for conventional radiography, because the spectrum of
conventional X-rays is very diverse and can vary in the course of medical-technical progress.
Some examples of indications for an X-ray examination may be:
For the diagnosis of a bone fracture or bony injuries of the skeletal system or pathological
changes of hard tissues.
To control the bone setting.
For the diagnosis of luxations and ligament ruptures of the locomotor system.
For the diagnosis of degenerative, inflammatory, traumatic and tumorous diseases and
changes of the locomotor system.
For diagnostic of malformations and malalignments of the skeletal system.
For the diagnosis of thoracic and pulmonary symptoms (thorax exposures)
For the diagnosis of sclerotherapy.
For the diagnosis of inflammatory and expansive processes of the mucosa, cranial bones and
paranasal extension.
For the diagnosis of the abdomen (e.g. acute abdomen, plain abdominal radiography,
urethrogram, cystogram).