802.11a, b, g
RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Browser
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
Page 74 of 109
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 18, 2009
5.5.2 Status
The Status Bar at the bottom of the RLX IH Browser displays additional
information about the currently selected menu command or tool bar button. On
the right side of the Status Bar, you can see the status of the Caps Lock and
Num Lock keys on your computer keyboard. Use the corner of the status bar to
drag and resize the RLX-IH Browser window.
5.5.3 List
List View shows a list of all the connected radios in a grid, arranged similarly to
data in a spreadsheet. Resize the window or scroll across to see all of the
available columns. Click between column headers and drag to the left or right to
resize columns. Click on column headers and drag to the left or right to re-order
Use the Reset Columns command to restore the column size and order to their default values.