802.11a, b, g
Radio Configuration / Diagnostic Utility
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
Page 38 of 109
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 18, 2009
Field Description
Number of Rows to
Use this field to choose how many MAC addresses to display on this
page. Use the Next and Prev buttons to scroll through the available
MAC addresses.
Position in the list. Each page shows up to 10 devices. Use the Next
and Previous buttons to move up and down through the table.
MAC Address
The MAC address for the device.
The connection type
Age (s)
The length of time (in seconds) since the radio last saw a packet from
this MAC address
Click the Top button to see the top of the table. The radio will display
updated data in the table entries.
Next / Prev
If the table has more MAC addresses than it can display in the window,
use the Next and Prev buttons to move up and down through the table.
Click Refresh to update the table.
4.1.3 Port
This configuration page opens when you click the Port Status button on the
Radio Configuration form.
When you click the Port Status button, you can see information about all the
active ports on the radio. Above the table, you can see information about the
current Spanning Tree (page 49), including the MAC address of the "root" device,
and the timing parameters that are set for the current Spanning Tree. Each radio
can have up to 34 active ports—one Ethernet cable, one parent RF link, and up
to 32 child RF links.