PS69-DPM ♦ CompactLogix or MicroLogix Platform
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 101 of 130
October 1, 2014
5.4.2 MicroLogix 1500 Fault LED
The faultless communication state is reached, if the Fault LED of the MicroLogix Controller
is in off state.
If there is a problem with the expansion module the Fault LED is flashing red. Then go
online with your RSLogix 500 project and open up the processor status dialog and check the
error tab for the fault reason.
5.4.3 SYS and COM Status LEDs
This PS69-DPM module has two bicolor status LEDs. They inform the user about the
communication state of the module. The
LED shows the common system status of the
card. It can be yellow or green. The
LED displays the status of the PROFIBUS
communication. It can flash green or red. The meaning of the LEDs is described in the
booklet that came with the System Software CD and in CompactLogix I/O LED (page 100).
If the SYS LED is solid green and the COM-LED static green, the card is in cyclic data
exchange with the connected Slaves and the communication is running with out fault.
5.4.4 Error Sources and Reasons
This chapter describes typical problems, error sources and questions that come up while
commissioning the PROFIBUS-DP master module PS69-DPM. The following table
summarizes the typical error sources and gives a hint of possible reasons for the problem.
Typical Reason
I/O LED is Green
No communication with the
PS69 module (or other
Modules slot number in
RSLogix program does not
match with the physical slot of
the module
Configured Input / Output size
is wrong
Check modules slot number in
RSLogix project
Compare configured Input /
Output size with required
Fault LED is flashing
No communication with the
PS69 module (or other
Modules slot number in
RSLogix program does not
match with the physical slot of
the module
Configured Vendor ID / Module
ID / Input / Output /
Configuration array size is
Check modules slot number in
RSLogix project
Compare configured Input /
Output size / Vendor ID
/Module ID with required values
COM LED is off
SYS LED Flashing
irregular green
Configuration missing or faulty No configuration stored
Download a Configuration to
the card with PROSOFT.fdt
COM LED is static
green and SYS LED
flashing cyclic fast
Application is not ready
PLC is not in RUN Mode.
PLC application has set the
NRDY bit.
PLC has no I/O communication
with the module
Bring PLC into RUN Mode.
Check that the PLC application
has deleted the NRDY bit.
Check PLC’s I/O LED