Pronk Technologies
2017 07-18
Page 18
Setup Instructions (only needed the first time you load/launch TWedge on a PC): Follow the steps below for
setting up DataSnap on FlowTrax:
Load the DVD provided with your FlowTrax labeled FlowTrax User Guide into your PC DVD drive.
Once the DVD drive is available to see in Windows explorer or similar program, open folder labeled
“DataSnap Setup” and launch installer file “Twedge_Setup”. Double click file to launch installer.
Follow prompts until complete. (Check with your network administrator for install permissions)
Browse “DataSnap Setup Information” folder on DVD drive and copy file called “FT DataSnapScript_1-
0.twg.” onto your PC hard drive in a folder you will remember for later (i.e. create a folder
C:\TwedgeScript) and save it in that folder.
Double click TWedge Icon from desktop to start program.
When the file opens you will be prompted to either purchase a test license online or to select the
unlimited access for (10) days. If you select Yes, you will be taken to the TEC-IT website to purchase
the license. The license required to purchase is TWedge Single. It is located in the Data Acquisition
Tools section of the web site. No additional software is required to purchase.
Choose “File” in upper left corner.
Choose “Open”.
Browse your hard drive for the file called “FT DataSnapScript_1-0.twg”, located in the folder you
saved it into in the earlier step.
Double click / select that file. Once loaded, you will see the file name in the upper left hand side of the
TWedge screen.
If Plug and Play feature is enabled on your PC, connect Serial to USB cable provided with DataSnap
accessories to your PC. Driver will be downloaded automatically from a safe device driver website.
If Plug and Play not available, DO NOT connect Serial to USB cable. First load the Driver manually to
your PC by accessing the driver setup program called “CDM v2.12.06 WHQL Certified.exe” located on
the FlowTrax User DVD under folder DataSnap Setup Information. Once driver loaded, connect Serial
to USB cable to your PC.
Connect Stereo plug of the cable to top port on FlowTrax.
Identify what Com Port your PC has assigned to FlowTrax serial USB adapter connection using
Device Manager or similar program.
From TWedge program menu, go to “Device” then select “Configure”, select “Interface” and then
change Com Port setting to the Com port you identified earlier (i.e. Com 4).
When using the Stream Data feature of DataSnap, be aware that if you minimize the record
you are capturing data into you will have adverse effects because the data is now streaming across the USB port as
if you were typing keys on your keyboard. For example, if you minimized or closed Microsoft Excel while Stream
Data was still ON, some applications or programs may launch from your desktop because the data is translated into
key strokes.
Ensure your cursor is flashing in the location you wish data to be transferred to.
Your PC assigns USB com ports based on their physical location on your PC. Ideally you
should always connect FlowTrax to the same physical USB port so that you don’t have to reconfigure the TWedge
program each time you reconnect your FlowTrax to your PC. One way to avoid this issue is to use a small label /
sticker “FT” directly above the physical USB connection on your PC so you don’t have to remember which one to
connect to.
Ensure stereo connection to FlowTrax is installed all the way into FlowTrax (door is not
interfering) and that the FlowTrax is turned on and primed.
Running DataSnap: Collecting Data from FlowTrax:
From TWedge Program, Click on start symbol . (Or you can Click on Device, then click Start.)
Press F3 (FN+F3 for laptops) - this should Reset your FlowTrax, clearing all data displayed. This
confirms communications are functioning.
Minimize TWedge program.
Now that TWedge is running and configured for that USB port, you can open any file, form or record,
click on a text box /cell and use the Function keys to capture results from FlowTrax into that text box
or cell.