All Steam Sauna Pro™ Models
Remove the Steam Sauna Pro ™ from the packaging.
Unpack the seat (A) and floorboard (B).
Place floorboard (B) into the base of the cabinet.
Add distilled water to the steam boiler under the steam chamber lid (located
under the seat). Fill to near top of the pot and close the steam chamber lid. A
full pot lasts approximately 1.5 hours.
NOTE: Your steam sauna is equipped
with multiple safety features including a low water cutoff and a thermal
cutoff to prevent the sauna from overheating. It is still recommended to
always check the level to make sure the heating element is covered with
The boiler holds 7 liters (1.75 gallons) of water.
Seat placement: Start by placing the seat into the second track from the
top. Sit down inside the cabinet and close the door. If further adjustment is
needed, place the seat higher or lower.
Plug your Steam Sauna Pro™ into a wall outlet.
Note: The sauna requires a
15 amp or greater outlet (20 amp recommended).
At this point you can put the seat pad and lumbar pillow into the sauna if
you wish to use them.
Turn your sauna on. The On button is located on the left side of the digital
control display.
Set the temperature to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a good starting point.
If you need the temperature higher or lower adjust accordingly.
Set the timer to 60 minutes. The Steam Sauna Pro™ takes apporximately
15 minutes to start warming up and can take up to 30 minutes to heat up
to the desired temperature. After your sauna heats up, reset the timer to
your desired session time.
Note: 30 minutes is the recommended time for a
treatment. Everyone’s tolerance to heat varies, therefore you will need to
determine your own comfort level.
Once you establish a good comfort level you can use the USER button on
the digital display screen to save it as a pre-set mode if you wish.