ACTIVslate XR Quick Start Guide
Prepare the ACTIVslate System
Connect the ACTIVhub (if required)
Follow these instructions only if you are using an ACTIVhub
instead of an ACTIV board or proACTIV board.
Install the software before connecting the ACTIVhub.
Insert the ACTIVhub connector into the USB socket on your PC. The
pattern of lights on the hub illuminate to indicate certain functions:
The six Function Indicator LEDs spin around the hub whilst
communication with the driver is being established.
When the driver has been detected, the orange LEDs stop spinning and
the central globe LED illuminates white. This LED provides a constant
white illumination to indicate normal operation and flashes during the
registration process.
The top right LED flashes green when ACTIVote data is received. The top
left LED flashes red when the hub transmits data.
If the orange lights around the hub continue to spin, your computer
might have defaulted to the wrong driver.
Refer to the document USB Getting Started Guide, which is
included on your product CD. Ensure you follow the procedure
relating to the version of Windows™ you are running on your PC.
Optimising Use of the ACTIVhub
Place the ACTIVhub in an elevated position. The path between the
ACTIVhub and ACTIVote devices should be unobstructed and no more
than 10 metres, for optimum performance.
Two ACTIVhubs are capable of sharing a single channel, thereby allowing
up to four systems to operate in relatively close proximity. However, to
avoid interference between each system, select different channels for two
systems working in close proximity, such as in neighbouring rooms.
Systems that are more than 30 metres apart will not interfere with each
other, therefore allowing channels to be reused.
Central Globe
ACTIVhub receiving
data (green)
Function Indicator (flash orange)
ACTIVhub transmitting
data (red)
ACTIVslate XR Quick Start Guide
Prepare the ACTIVslate System
Connect the ACTIVhub (if required)
Follow these instructions only if you are using an ACTIVhub
instead of an ACTIV board or proACTIV board.
Install the software before connecting the ACTIVhub.
Insert the ACTIVhub connector into the USB socket on your PC. The
pattern of lights on the hub illuminate to indicate certain functions:
The six Function Indicator LEDs spin around the hub whilst
communication with the driver is being established.
When the driver has been detected, the orange LEDs stop spinning and
the central globe LED illuminates white. This LED provides a constant
white illumination to indicate normal operation and flashes during the
registration process.
The top right LED flashes green when ACTIVote data is received. The top
left LED flashes red when the hub transmits data.
If the orange lights around the hub continue to spin, your computer
might have defaulted to the wrong driver.
Refer to the document USB Getting Started Guide, which is
included on your product CD. Ensure you follow the procedure
relating to the version of Windows™ you are running on your PC.
Optimising Use of the ACTIVhub
Place the ACTIVhub in an elevated position. The path between the
ACTIVhub and ACTIVote devices should be unobstructed and no more
than 10 metres, for optimum performance.
Two ACTIVhubs are capable of sharing a single channel, thereby allowing
up to four systems to operate in relatively close proximity. However, to
avoid interference between each system, select different channels for two
systems working in close proximity, such as in neighbouring rooms.
Systems that are more than 30 metres apart will not interfere with each
other, therefore allowing channels to be reused.
Central Globe
ACTIVhub receiving
data (green)
Function Indicator (flash orange)
ACTIVhub transmitting
data (red)