EN 5
Frequently Asked Questions
23. How to configure with Night Mode?
There are two way in configure the IP Camera with Night Mode:
Method 1 : Via Web Configuration
Open IE
and locate to the
IP Address of the IP Camera
login credential
Night Mode
Method 2 : Via LiveView
From the
Camera List
right-click any IP Camera
Night mode control
Choose either one of the following options:
Automatic day and night mode switch
Scheduled time of night mode
Manual night mode control
Automatic day and night
mode switch
The IP Camera will
automatically turn on the IR
LEDs when the night time is
arrived or the environment is
becoming dark. There is a light
sensor on the IP Camera that is
doing this light detection.
Scheduled time of night
The IP Camera can also be
scheduled to turn on the IR
LEDs in a time range of each
Manual night mode control
The IP Camera can be manually
forced to night mode (IR LEDs
on) or day mode (IR LEDs off).