Crated size
1435mm x 927.1mm x 1314.5mm (L x W x H)
56.5” x 36.5” x 51.75”
Crated weight
715 lbs.
Uncrated size
1117.6mm x 741.7mm x 1061.7mm (L x W x H)
44” x 29” x 41.8”
Uncrated weight
465 lbs.
Floor Flatness / Level
2.5cm over 12m
1” over 3’
Crate Dimensions and Weight
Unit Portability
The ProJet® 2500 Printing System is equipped with four caster-type rollers and four leveling feet. Leveling can be adjusted by locking the casters in
place while adjusting leveling feet as required until 3D printer system is level.
Access Area Surrounding Uncrated 3D Printer System