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Firstly, please make sure the wall is even and has a thickness at least 80mm and at the
position where you want to mount the TV no any hard materials (such as : reinforcing steel bar
, steel block ,etc) and any unstable structures exist. Install elevating stand on the base plate by
fastening ® M6X10mm screws, then fix the wall mounting rack and reinforce plate to elevating
stand and base plate by ® M6X10mm screws.(see diagram 1)
3. Installation Instruction
Move the assembled to installation position and mark screw hole locations to be drilled,use
electric drill to drill holes on the wall at marked locations to 75mm depth, 10mm and drill holes on
the ground at marked locations to 60-70mm depth, 10mm; then put (5) plastic wall plug into the
holes(5- 10mm) on the ground. (see diagram2)