v.1008 OR1BX
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This pack contains:
2 x stud mounting rails with fixing kit.
Do not exceed the maximum weight limit indicated for this product.
Failure to comply may cause instability and possible serious injury.
Im po rtan t Safety Instru ctions.
R ead first
D o not attem pt to install this product until all instructions and warnings have been read and
properly understood. Please keep these instructions for future reference.
B -Tech International Lim ited, its distributors and dealers are not liable or responsible for
dam age or injury caused by im proper installation, im proper use or failure to observe these
safety instructions. In such cases, all guarantees will expire.
G eneral
B -Tech International Ltd recom m ends that a professional AV installer or other suitably qualified
person install this product. G reat care m ust always be taken during installation as m ost A V
equipm ent is of a fragile nature, possibly heavy and easily dam aged if dropped.
If you do not fully understand the instructions or are not sure how to install this product safely,
then please consult a professional for advice and/or to install this product for you. Failure to
m ount this product correctly m ay cause serious injury or death both during installation and at
any tim e thereafter.
D o not m ount any AV equipm ent that exceeds the specific weight lim it of the product you are
installing. This weight lim it will be clearly stated on each product and its packaging and will
vary from product to product.
P roduct location
P lease pay careful attention to where this product is located. Som e ceilings, walls and floors
are not suitable for installation.
If located in a public or frequently populated area ensure that the product is out of the
im m ediate reach of people. If any A V equipm ent is to be suspended over the likely path or
location of people then great care should be taken to secure all parts of the installation from
If you install this product on drywall it m ust be securely fixed to a wooden stud, concrete block
or other perm anent structure behind the drywall board. Installing on drywall boards alone will
not support the weight of m ost A V equipm ent.
W hen drilling holes in ceilings, walls and floors it is essential to avoid contact with electrical
cables and water or gas pipes contained within. Use of a good quality live wire detector and
hidden object locator is therefore recom m ended. O nly drill into structures when you are sure it
is safe to do so.
Fixing hardw are
It is highly recom m ended that all ceiling, wall and floor fixing screws be used where supplied
and that the purpose of all other fixing hardware is fully understood. In som e cases m ore A V
equipm ent fixing hardware will be supplied to accom m odate different m odels of equipm ent and
set up configurations.
The installer m ust be satisfied that any supplied fixing hardware is suitable for each specific
installation. If any fixing screws or included hardware are deem ed not sufficient for a safe
installation then please consult a professional or your local hardware store.
H azard lim itation
W hen routing cables take advantage of any built in cable m anagem ent features that the
product m ight provide and ensure that all cables are tidy and secure. C heck to see that any
m oving aspect of the product can do so unhindered by any cabling.
S om e products have m oving parts and the potential to cause injury through the crushing or
trapping of fingers or other body parts.
P articular attention to the nature of m oving parts is required especially when assem bling
installing and adjusting during set up.
Im m ediately after installations double-check that the work done is safe and secure. D ouble-
check all necessary fixings are present and are of am ple tightness.
It is recom m ended that periodic inspections of the product and its fixing points are m ade as
frequently as possible to ensure that safety is m aintained. If in doubt consult a professional AV
installer or other suitably qualified person.
Registered Design No: 4003648
Designed to allow B-Tech wall mounts be mounted safely on
stud walls across two or more studs
Suitable for 8”, 12”, 16”, 20” and 24” stud walls
Ideal for use with BT7512, BT7513, BT7514, BT7515, BT7534
and BT7535. For a full list of compatible mounts, see Page 3
Can be used with BT8007 adaptor to mount most B-Tech CRT
and speaker mounts
Plate depth including cover: 16.5mm (5/8”)
Products can be mounted in any position along the mount rails
Maximum load: 90Kg (198lbs)
All mounting hardware and fixings included
203,2 (8")
304,8 (12")
406,4 (16")
508 (20")
609,6 (24")
640 (25 1/4")
Example Product
not included
Stud Wall
Copyright 2008.
Asia Pacific
B-Tech International (Hong Kong) Ltd
23rd Floor, Manulife Tower, North Point, HK
Tel: (+852) 2556 7337 Fax: (+852) 2556 7321
Email: [email protected]
B-Tech PRO-AV bvba
Brixtonlaan 32, Zaventem 1930,Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 720 92 71 Fax: +32 (0)2 725 42 15
Email: [email protected]
North America
B-Tech Audio Video Mounts
10 Greg Street, #108, Sparks, NV 89431, USA
Tel: (1)800 975 5812 Fax: (1)800 592 2876
Email: [email protected]
Head Office
B-Tech International Ltd.
Bennett House, Long March, Daventry, Northants NN11 4NR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1327 300 787 Fax: +44 (0)1327 706 562
Email: [email protected]