Instruction Manual
an yo or e ect ng o r prod ct. e ope t at yo w
en oy e o t e app ance.
Symbols in these Instruction Manual
Important n ormat on or yo r a ety pec a y mar ed.
It e ent a to comp y w t t e e n tr ct on n order to
avoid accidents and prevent damage to the appliance:
warn yo o danger to yo r ea t and nd cate
e n ry r
re er to po
e a ard to t e app ance or ot er
g g t t p and n ormat on.
Overview of the Components ............................................3
General Notes ....................................................................30
Special Safety Instructions for this Appliance ..............30
Overview of the Components / Delivery Scope .............31
Unpacking the Device ......................................................31
Start-Up ..............................................................................31
e e cop c ct on p pe
Nozzle Attachments .......................................................32
Electrical Connection .....................................................32
w tc ng t e pp ance n
Assembly the Wall Holder ................................................32
Using the Appliance .........................................................32
End of Operation ............................................................32
Maintenance ......................................................................32
mpty ng t e
t o ector
e ter y tem
Cleaning .............................................................................33
Troubleshooting ................................................................34
Technical Data ...................................................................34
Notice of Directive Conformity ........................................34
Disposal .............................................................................34
ean ng o t e
t n ym o
General Notes
ead t e operat ng n tr ct on care y e ore p tt ng t e
appliance into operation and keep the instructions including
t e warranty t e rece pt and po
e t e o w t t e
nterna pac ng. I yo g e t app ance to ot er peop e
please also pass on the operating instructions.
e app ance de gned e c
e y or pr ate e and
or t e en aged p rpo e.
app ance not fit or
commercial use.
o not e t o tdoor . eep t away rom o rce o
eat d rect n g t m d ty ne er d p t nto any
liquid) and sharp edges. Do not use the appliance with
wet hands. If the appliance is humid or wet, unplug it
mmed ate y.
en c ean ng or p tt ng t away w tc o t e app ance
and a way p o t t e p g rom t e oc et p t e
plug itself, not the lead) if the appliance is not being used
and remove the attached accessories.
• Do
operate t e app ance w t o t per on. I yo
ea e t e room yo o d a way t rn t e app ance o .
Remove the plug from the socket.
e app ance and t e ma n ead a e to e c ec ed
reg ar y or gn o damage. I damage o nd t e
appliance must not be used.
e on y or g na pare part .
In order to en re yo r c dren a ety p ea e eep a
pac ag ng p a t c ag o e po y tyrene etc. o t o
their reach.
o not a ow ma c dren to p ay w t t e o .
is a danger of suffocation!
Special Safety Instructions for this Appliance
o not try to repa r t e app ance on yo r own. way contact an
a t or ed tec n c an. I t e pp y cord damaged t m t e
rep aced y t e man act rer t er ce agent or m ar y a
fied per on n order to a o d a a ard.
app ance can e ed y c dren aged rom year and
a o e and per on w t red ced p y ca en ory or menta ca
pa t e or ac o e per ence and now edge t ey a e een
Summary of Contents for PC-BS 3038
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