Default gateway
This is the gateway used to forward frames to destinations in different
subnet. Invalid gateway setting will fail the transmission to destinations
in different subnet.
Primary DNS
Primary DNS is the pr imary domain name serv er that translates
hostnames into IP addresses.
Secondary DNS
Secondary DNS is a secondary domain
name server that backups the
primary DNS.
For the PPPoE users, enter the PPPoE
Username and Password into the fields,
and click on the “Save” butt on to complete the setting.
Web Server port
The default web server port is 80.
Once the port is changed, the user
must be notified the change for the connection to be successful. For
instance, when the Administrator c hanges the HTTP port of the IP
Camera whose IP address is 192.
168.0.100 from 80 to 8080, the user
must type in the web browser “http ://” instead of
RTSP port
The default setting of RTSP Port is
554; the setting range is from 1024
to 65535.
MJPEG over HTTP port
The default setting of MJPEG over HTTP
Port is 8008; the setting range
is from 1024 to 65535.
HTTPS port
The default setting of HTTPS Port is
443; the setting range is from 1024
to 65535.
Be aware to assign a different port number for each separate
service mentioned above.