Usage instructions for NJ1 adaptive bike
However, please check the product immediate-
ly upon receipt, preferably in the presence of
the freight company, for any damage which
may have occurred in transit. If you are of the
opinion that damage has occurred during
transit, please do the following:
1. Record a statement of facts in the pres-
ence of the freight company - photo docu-
mentation of the packaged product and the
unpacked product with detailed images of
product damage
2. Preparation of a declaration of assignment
- you assign all claims from this damage to
the freight company.
3. Statement of facts/photo documentation,
delivery note, and declaration of assign-
ment are sent to PRO ACTIV.
Failing to observe these instructions, or report-
ing damage after acceptance, means that the
damage cannot be acknowledged.
PRO ACTIV will subsequently review the dam-
age and discuss the further procedure with you
(shipment of replacement parts, returning the
product to PRO ACTIV for a complete repair,
5 Introduction
Before starting your first trip, familiarise your-
self with these usage instructions and the us-
age instructions for the coupled wheelchair,
paying particular attention to all the safety in-
formation and hazard warnings they contain.
Allow your therapists and doctors to advise
you, your carers, and assistants on how to use
the product and what you are safe to do with
the product based on your current ability.
Under no circumstances should you do
anything with or in the product which you have
not learnt to do and have not mastered.
You, your carers, and assistants should also
seek advice from your therapists and doctors
as well as the rehabilitation specialist dealer
about the use and settings of your product as
well as all the safety accessories available
(e.g. chest belt and waist-belt).
It is then vital that the advice from doc-
tors, therapists and the rehabilitation specialist
dealer on the necessary safety accessories
should be followed.
If you are not sure how to handle the
product or if technical faults occur, please con-
tact your rehabilitation specialist dealer or
PRO ACTIV before using it.
When operating the product, the wheel-
chair usage instructions must also be ob-
served. Information on limit values must not be
exceeded. If the values in the two sets of us-
age instructions differ, the lower limit is the one
which applies.
Never leave the product unattended.
Secure the product against unauthorised
use and theft.
When combining your product with
equipment made by other manufacturers,
make sure that the individual components and
the unit made up of them still work appropriate-
ly. You can get information on the suitability of
a combination from the manufacturer of the
third-party components or from your rehabilita-
tion specialist retailer.
The product contains small parts that may
pose a choking hazard for children.
The wheelchair with the adapted product
must be equipped in accordance with road
traffic regulations when operated on public
areas, roads paths and spaces.
The product may be used only in conjunc-
tion with the approved adapter. Weight limita-
tions must be observed while doing so. The
Heavy Duty version of the product may be
used only with the Heavy Duty version of the