DHCP Server
WIRELESS ROUTER supports up to 253 IP address for your local network. The IP address of
a local machine can be is assigned manually by the network administrator or obtained
automatically from WIRELESS ROUTER if the DHCP server is enabled.
Enable the DHCP Server?:
DHCP server administers and assigns IP addresses for LAN
clients automatically.
The Domain Name for client who requests IP address
from the DHCP server.
IP Pool Starting Address:
The first address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP server in
IP Pool Ending Address:
This field indicates the last address in the pool to be assigned by
the DHCP server in LAN.
Lease Time:
The amount of connection time with the current dynamic IP address.
Default Gateway:
This field indicates the IP address of gateway in your LAN.
DHCP's IP address:
This field indicates the IP address of DNS to provide to clients that
request IP address from DHCP server.
WINS Server:
The Windows Internet Naming Service manages interaction of each PC with
the Internet. If you use a WINS server, enter IP address of server here.
Enable Manual Assignment?:
Enable this function to assign static IP address by manually.
MAC Address:
Enter the MAC Address of each DHCP client.