Galvanic Isolator
The galvanic Isolator is located behind the starboard panel in
the mid berth cabin and above the carbon monoxide detector.
Stray, low voltage current flowing between the AC safety
ground and DC bonding system is a principal cause of
“galvanic” action. This type of stray current will normally
overload your zinc anodes as they try to protect your boat from
other near by boats and/or metal objects of the marina.
Sacrificial zincs corrode away as they protect metal thru hulls,
shafts and props from damaging galvanic corrosion and
Installing the galvanic Isolator between the AC safety ground and DC bonding system interrupts the galvanic
circuit with other boats and the dock when your boat is plugged into a shore power system. It also maintains an
AC safety ground and solves the most common cause of corrosion. Corrosive action on your zincs is significantly
reduced while the integrity of the critical safety ground path is maintained. This means a significant savings in
boat haul out fees and zinc replacement costs.
The sacrificial zincs are located on the trim tabs and engines. The zincs should be checked periodically and
changed when needed.