Stove (Optional)
An optional single burner butane stove can be installed in the
cabin. See the Service and Care section of this manual for
cleaning recommendations.
Please refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer
of the butane stove for operational procedures and for information
related to the care and maintenance of their product. When in
doubt, always defer to the stove manufacturer’s instructions
and/or recommendations.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with all of the safety instructions
provided by the stove manufacturer.
How to install the butane canister: Open the canister cover. Make sure the ignition knob is in the off
position and the canister lever is in the release position. If the ignition knob is not completely in the off
position, the canister cannot be engaged into the lock position. Install the canister so that the canister
hole is aligned with the canister guide. Lock by pushing the canister lever down and then close the
canister cover. Before turning the unit on, check that the canister is positioned properly and that the
canister lever is in the on position.
How to ignite: Turn the ignition knob 90 degrees counter clockwise completely until you hear a click
sound. If the burner does not light, repeat the ignition procedure.
How to control the flame: The size of the flame can re regulated by turning the ignition knob slowly
toward the off position from the on position.
How to extinguish: Turn the ignition knob clockwise to the off position. The flame is automatically put out
and there is no gas supplied. The flame will be extinguished before the ignition knob is turned completely
to the off position. Make sure to check that the flame is off. Be sure to raise the canister lever up to the
release position. Open the canister cover and then take the canister out.
Burning off the remaining fuel: Some fuel may remain in the gas line. After the unit is in the release
position, turn the ignition knob to the on position to burn off any remaining fuel.
Electronics (Optional)
Based upon the availability from our vendors, this equipment changes from time to time. Therefore, we
request that you refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of your electronics equipment
for operational procedures and for information related to the warranty and the care and maintenance of
their product. Refer to your owner’s package for additional information.
Bonding System
All metal components that have water either going through them or touching them are bonded to the zinc
anodes on the transom of the boat. The zinc anodes should be checked periodically and changed when