The fish box macerator pump operates on a 2-way rocker switch located on the switch panel labeled
Fishbox. To properly operate the fish box macerator pump, fill one of the fish boxes with water. Then,
press the fish box switch on the switch panel in the forward position to operate the pump. The water and
fish particles will be pumped out of the tub and will be routed through the macerator pump and then
overboard via a thru hull on the side of the boat. When you are finished emptying the fish box, place the
fish box switch in the aft position to turn off the fish box macerator pump.
Fuel/Oil Systems
Fuel Tank
The 140-gallon fuel tank on your Pro-Line is constructed of heavy gauge aluminum with internal baffling
to minimize sloshing. The fuel tank is located under the deck and is secured between the stringers and
Inspect the hose connections on a regular basis. The fuel fill and fuel vent hoses at the tank are
accessible via the round deck hatch installed between the two helm seats. The other end of these two
hoses can be accessed via the round deck plate that is installed just below the fuel fill on the inside the
Fuel Fill and Fuel Vent
The fuel fill is a stainless steel fitting labeled “Gas” or “Fuel” and is located approximately admidships on
the starboard gunwale. Twist the cap to open the fitting. The cap is connected to the fitting by a chain or
cable so that it will not fall into the water and/or get lost. Be careful not to pump fuel into any other fitting
on the vessel.
The external fuel vent is located just below the fuel fill fitting on the outside of the hull, and the gas tank is
vented overboard. While you are filling the tank, fuel entering the tank pushes air in the tank out through
the fuel vent.
Note: Never pump fuel into any fitting, opening or access port on the boat unless it is
labeled “Gas” or “Fuel”.
Port Engine
Fuel Pick-Up
Fuel Fill Hose
Fuel Vent Hose
Fuel Fill
Fuel Vent