AIR 40, AIR Breeze, AIR 30, AIR X MARINE and AIR SILENT-X are trademarks of Primus Wind Power 2013 Primus Wind Power Inc.
AIR Owner’s Manual
The Roof Mount Kit allows the pole for your AIR wind turbine to be mounted
to the wall or roof truss of a structure and extend above its roofline. The kit
includes isolators, base plates and all hardware, clamps and straps.
Your AIR can be mounted flush to the side of the structure or via a penetrating
hole through the roof or eaves. If mounted via penetrating hole, we recom-
mend purchasing the roof mount kit with seal. See Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Roof Mounting Kit
When installing a tower it is important that both the tower and
turbine are properly level. If not properly leveled this can affect
both performance and power output.
In addition to power output being affected there is the potential
the blades could rotate in the opposite direction loosening the
rotor nut creating a safety concern.
NOTE: if the turbine is not level the turbine will always
settle in the off-level position, causing reduced power
and performance.
TIP: Installing wind turbine using roof mount kit tower
or on a building can affect performance due to in-
creased turbulence.