Self Initialization
When the button on the back of an Automatic Setting Analog Clock is pressed and immediately released or its batteries are
replaced, the clock emits a double-beep and the clock begins to search for a signal from the Transmitter.
Clock signal strength indicator
If a signal is received - the clock emits a beep once per second, for one minute, every time a valid packet is decoded. The clock
hands automatically adjust to the correct time.
If the clock is in a marginal signal area - it emits a beep once every few seconds. Battery operated models will work in marginal
signal areas, but may result in reduced battery life.
No beeping - indicates a signal is not received from the Transmitter.
Setting its received time
Once a time signal has been received, the clock AUTOMATICALLY sets to the correct time as follows:
1. First, the second hand steps at eight times its normal speed until it finds the 12 o'clock position.
The minute hand and second hand may take turns stepping while the second hand is moving to the 12 o'clock position.
2. After the second hand is set to 12, the minute hand begins to advance around the dial quickly towards the correct time.
3. As the hour and minute hands advance toward the correct time, the hands pause for about 5 seconds at a displayed hand
position of either 4, 8 or 12 o'clock, whichever of these positions falls just before the actual time.
4. After the hands pause, the hour and minute hands proceed to advance quickly until the correct hour and minute are reached.
Once this occurs, the second hand then steps at eight times its normal speed until it reaches the correct time. It then
continues to move once per second. The time displayed on the clock should match the time displayed on the Transmitter.
XR Analog Clock Install Guide