Alkaline & Acidic Water Usage Guide
Alkalilne Water Usage Guide
Acidic Water Usage Guide
Purified Water Usage Guide
1. If the machine has not been used for several days, let the water run on the “Purified Water” setting for at least 3-5
minutes before any operation.
2. First time users who are not familiar with this water are recommended to start with Ionized Alkaline Water level 1
and adjust the quantity or level of wate which might fit you the best. Increase slowly over time as your body adjusts.
(Level 1 is recommended for first time Alkaline Ionized water drinkers).
3. Store Ionized Alkaline Water in an airtight glass container and put it in a refrigerator for no longer than 2 days for
maximum benefit. The first 12 hours after ionization the water is most effective.
Acidic water is not drinkable – DO NOT DRINK
1. Use acid water only for disinfecting, cleaning, plants and as a face/skin toner.
2. Acidic water properties are the best 1-7 days after ionization if it is put in an
airtight glass container and kept refridgerator.
1. Drink purified water with meals to allow your stomach acid to do its work
digesting your food.
2. It is best to drink purified water when taking medication.
3. Can a person drink Ionized Alkaline Water when on medication?
-Yes, as a precaution DO NOT DRINK Ionized Alkaline Water 45 minutes to one
hour before and after taking medication or supplements.
4. Children: Use purified water when preparing baby food.
Please note that water will come out of both spouts when dispensing water.
A) When the Alkaline button is pressed, Alkaline water will be dispensed from the top spout
and acid water will be dispensed from the bottom spout.
B) When the Acid button is pressed, Acid water will be dispensed from the top spout and
Alkaline water will be dispensed from the bottom spout.
C) When the purify button is pressed, purified water will be dispensed from the bottom and
top spouts.
Uses for Ionized Alkaline Water
Highly Ionized Alkaline Water: pH 11.0+
Alkaline Water: pH 8.0 ~ 10.0
Purified Water: pH 7.0
Highly Ionized Alkaline Water is useful for cleaning and preparing food.
Food Preparation : Wash Vegetables and fruit.
Cleaning : Clean cutting boards with. Good for cleaning oil and tough grime
from vents, as well as for general cleaning in the kitchen.
Stain Removal : The extra strength, absorption power will remove coffee, soy sauce and oil stains with ease.
Also great for getting out stubborn toilet bowl stains.
Dishes : Use less detergent when hand washing dishes.
Save on water bills, as only one-third to one-forth of the usual amount of water is adequate
cleaning and for rinsing with detergent.
For drinking, food preparation, watering plants, health maintenance.
Drinking : Drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water every day. Alkaline water is part of a healthy diet.
Food Preparation : Clean vegetables and fish. Enhance the flavor of broccoli, onions, etc.
by pre-boiling them in Ionized Alkaline Water. Use less condiments and salt in your diet.
Rice : Use Ionized Alkaline Water for washing and cooking rice.
The result is delicious and fluffy rice.
Tea : Taste and aroma are everything to many people.
You will be surprised at the improved color, taste, and aroma. You can use less tea and still achieve a full rich taste.
Soups and Stews : Ionized Alkaline Water draws out the flavor of ingredients so they get tender and juicy.
Therefore, less seasoning such as salt and soy sauce are needed.
This water is good for people who want to reduce their salt intake.
Plants : Watering plants and flowers. Ionized Alkaline Water extends the freshness and life of plants. Ionized
Alkaline Water with a pH level of 9.0 can also restore the health of sick plants.
Ionized Alkaline Water stimulates germination and improves seeding development.
Animals : Give purified water with food. Just like humans, animals should not drink alkaline water for an hour before,
during, or an hour after meals.
Crafts : Excellent for dyeing cloths, as well as other craft projects.
You will love the vibrant colors obtained when using this water.
Health : Through continuous use, the acidic tendency of your body can be gradually corrected to an Alkaline levels.
Drink at least half your body weight in ounces
Free of chlorine, rust and cloudiness. Clean water is delicious drinking water.
Children : Use purified water with a pH of 7.0 when preparing baby food.