mode (TIME or CORE PROBE) and select a different program. The carrying out phase ends by pressing the key (9) PHASES and
you go to the following one. The buzzer sounds with a long bip. If was carrying out the last phase the cycle ends. The carrying out
phase is showed by the blinking led ‘’PHASES’’.
You can have the possibility to use the USB (Mass storage device) for the management of the recipes; in particular you can import
and export programs of cooking. You can enter in menu USB, at the end of the list of categories of program: press MENU (11) and
rotating the l’ENCODER (13) you can read:
. This menu appears only if a USB is connect; on the contrary it shows only the last category.
Press ENTER (12) to confirm the choice menu USB, you can find a list of two options: IMPORT, EXPORT (If you are in menu USB
and the USB is disconnect, you return to the last category of the program).
You have to choose ‘IMPORT’ by pressing the key ENTER (12) (one of the two options): the oven’s software begins to import t
recipes contained in the formatted file REC_IN.csv. The formatting of the file is the following one:
All the recipes have the following format:
Recipe’s typology : category[1];name[10];number[1];overwriting[1]
Phase 1: way of cooking[1];humidity[2];set of the chamber[3];set of the time [3];set of the core probe[3];set of the delta t[3];set of the
fun [2]
Phase 2: way of cooking[1];humidity[2];set of the chamber[3];set of the time [3];set of the core probe[3];set of the delta t[3];set of the
fun [2]
Phase 3: way of cooking[1];humidity[2];set of the chamber[3];set of the time [3];set of the core probe[3];set of the delta t[3];set of the
fun [2]
Phase 4: way of cooking[1];humidity[2];set of the chamber[3];set of the time [3];set of the core probe[3];set of the delta t[3];set of the
fun [2]
The number between the square brackets at the side of each field indicates the number of alphabetic characters of which is
composed every name of the fields. The meanings of every field are the following :
: is the category to which the recipe belongs. The accepted values are:
0 manual; 1 poultry; 2 meat; 3 fish;4 vegetable; 5 pastry; 6 bread; 7 pizza; 8various
: is the name of the recipe showed on the display. Every writings have 10 alphabetic characters maximum. The accepted
alphabetic characters are : all the capital letters, the numbers, underscore, space, dash.
: number of identification of the programs with the same name (clone). The number is represented by dots on display. It can
vary from 0 to 6 dots.
: you are importing a recipe with the name of a just existing one. There are only two values:
0= no overwriting
. A new clone is created and identified with the first free number. Example: if are memorized CHICKEN, CHICKEN
[1], CHICKEN [3] and you are trying to import CHICKEN, it’ll be created a new program CHICKEN [2]
1= overwriting
. If it is possible, you can overwrite a just existing program (it isn’t possible if it is a program fixed by the manufacture
Cooking ways
: The way of cooking and its phases. The accepted values are:
0 : no phase (named with zero ‘’0’’: the following ones aren’t memorized)
1 : time cooking mode
2 : core probe cooking mode
3 : delta t cooking mode
: it represents the value of humidity of a specific phase. The values may be from 0 to 10: 0=cooking with no steam,
10=cooking with steam.
Chamber set, core probe set, delta t set
: these are all the set points of the chamber, of the core probe and of the delta t cooking
and their own phases. The accepted values go from 0 to 275.
Time set
: this is the cooking time of the interested phase, in a time cooking mode, it is expressed in minutes.
This time go from 0 (infinite cooking) to 599 (9h:59min).
Funs set
: is the speed of funs rotation in the interested phase. The values are 0 (half speed) and 1 (high speed). If you use less than
4 phases it isn’t necessary to set up the values of the remaining ones with 0 (NO PHASE)
Example of a file REC_IN.csv (bold font); near you can read the meaning.
>> 001
New recipe (the progressive number is not important)
0; ;0;0
manual program (name, number and not important overwriting)
phase1 time 10 min 150 centigrade, humidity 5, funs with high speed
phase2 time10 min 250 centigrade, humidity 5, funs with high speed
>> 002
New recipe (the progressive number is not important)
1;CHICKEN ;0;1
Category Poultry, name CHICKEN, no clone, overwrite
phase 1 time 15min 220degree, humidity 5, funs with high speed
phase 2 time 45min 190degree, humidity 5, funs with normal speed
phase 3 time 15min 225degree, humidity 5, funs with high speed
>> 003
New recipe new recipe (the progressive number is not important)
1;CHICKEN ;1;0
Category Poultry, name CHICKEN, clone n1, no overwrite
phase1 time15min 220degree, humidity 5, funs with high speed
phase3 time15min 225degree, humidity 5, funs with high speed
End of the file
Importation of recipes sometimes needs a lot of seconds (importation of a big quantity of recipes); during the waiting time on display appears
‘’WAIT’’. When the total number of the recipes is 100 (the maximum number made of manufa user), it isn’t
possible to create new
recipes and the file REC_IN.csv considers only the recipes’ overwriting.
If you choose EXPORT press the key ENTER (12) so begins the exportation of the recipes memorized in the oven. Recipes
are saved in a file csv file formatted named REC_OUT.csv. The format of the exportation file is like the importation ones, so it can be used to
create a file of importation. The recipes are exported in the order of category and in every category are disposed in alphabetical order (like the
list you can see, if you run the programs on display). At the beginning of every recipe you can see a progressive number (>>000, >>001,
>>nnn), useful to find the total number of recipes memorized in the oven. This number may be left in the importation file of the recipes: this
number is ignored and has no meaning. During an exportation appears the writing ‘’WAIT’’ on display.
Attention: you have to do this operation at the first installation Washing set up: by pressing the key (14) washing one time