P r i m a L u c e L a b i S r l
E SAT TO u s e r m a n u a l
Moving the ESATTO focuser with the ESATTO Virtual HandPad is very easy. You
can do this in different ways:
1. move the slider until you reach the desired position and tap on the GO button
2. make a double tap on the left field (where you can read the number in step of
your focuser), write the number you prefer with the virtual keyboard of your
device and then press the GO button
3. select a value in the “Step offset” selector (from 100 to 2000 steps) and tap the < or > buttons to move the focuser by
the number you selected. Tap the << or >> buttons to move the focuser by 10 times the number you selected.
In any moment, if you need to immediately stop the movement, press the STOP
button in the upper part.
In order to save a new position in the ESATTO Virtual HandPad, first of all you
have to move the ESATTO focuser to a position where your telescope is in per-
fect focus (you will need an optical accessory or a camera in order to do this) and
then follow this procedure:
Tap and keep your finger on one of the empty buttons: the position will be auto-
matically saved with a “Preset” name.
Tap on the name of the button and you will be able to change it by using the vir-
tual keyboard of your device. Press ENTER button to confirm the new name.
p a g e 1 7
When you save the focus position in the ESATTO Virtual HandPad, you will find the same positions when you will control
the ESATTO with USB from your EAGLE or external computer.