Useful Tips
1. Gently feed the fruit through the fruit shoot one by one. DO not try and over cram food into the
2. If you are processing large ingredients, cut them into small pieces (2-3cm) first.
3. For maximum vitamins and flavour juice should be drunk immediately. However, if you wish to
keep the juice for several hours lemon juice must be added which will act as a natural
4. Apple Juice turns brown quickly so to prevent this from happening add a few drops of lemon juice
to act as a natural preservative.
5. The pulp contains lots of vitamins as well and can be used as a base to make Soups, Sauces or
desserts. Why not experiment!
Easy Drinks –
simply put the ingredients through the juicer in the stated order and enjoy!
Carrot, Apple and Ginger
6 carrots
Slice of root ginger
2 apples
Apple and Pears
2 apples
2 pears
Apple and Grapes
2 apples
l large bunch grapes
3 apples
1 celery stick
Apple and Strawberry
2 apples
100g strawberries
Strawberry Punch
2 large oranges
100g strawberries
100ml cranberry juice
1. Put the strawberries and oranges through the juicer.
2. Mix in the cranberry juice and add ice.