Pride Mobility JET 3 Owner'S Manual Download Page 19

Jet 3/Rev I/Feb03



The connector housing is located on the rear of the Jet 3. See figures 4a and 4b. The connector housing holds the

ammeter, the battery charger power cord receptacle, the main circuit breaker, and controller harness connectors.


 The ammeter displays the charger’s current output in amps. For more information, see VII. “Batteries

and Charging.”

Battery charger power cord receptacle:

 This is for your battery charger power cord. The cord is typically

located in the seat pocket. For more information, see VII. “Batteries and Charging.”

Main circuit breaker:

 The main circuit breaker is a safety feature built into your Jet 3. When the batteries and the

motors are heavily strained (e.g., from excessive loads), the main circuit breaker will trip to prevent damage to the

motors and the electronics. If the circuit breaker trips, allow the Jet 3 to “rest” for approximately one minute. Then,

push in the circuit breaker button, turn on the controller power, and continue normal operation. If the main circuit

breaker continues to trip repeatedly, contact your authorized Pride provider.

Controller harness connectors: 

These connect the controller cables to the power base.


The following positioning belt is available as an option from your authorized Pride provider. It  is designed to

support the operator’s torso so that he or she does not slide downward or forward in the seat. See figure 5. Your

equipment may vary.


The positioning belt is not designed for use as a restraining device.


Make sure the belt is secure but does not cause discomfort.

WARNING! The positioning belt is not designed for use as a seat belt in a motor vehicle. Nor is your

Jet 3 suitable for use as a seat in any vehicle. Anyone traveling in a vehicle should be properly

belted into seats approved by the vehicle manufacturer.

I V .   T H E   J E T   3

Figure 5. Positioning Belt

All manuals and user guides at

Summary of Contents for JET 3

Page 1: Power Chairs Power Chairs Exeter PA St Catharines ON 1 800 800 8586 www pridemobility com Power Chairs Power Chairs Power Chairs Power Chairs StylishDesignandPremiumPerformance Owner s Manual ATTENTION Please read the content of your owner s manual before operating your power chair All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...

Page 2: ...ofyourprovider caregiver and orhealthcareprofessional Prideisnotresponsible forinjuriesand ordamageresultingfromanyperson sfailuretofollowthewarnings cautions andinstructionsin this owner s manual Pride is not responsible for injuries and or damage resulting from any person s failure to exercisegoodjudgementand orcommonsense Thesymbolsbelowareusedthroughoutthisowner smanualtoidentifywarningsandcau...


Page 4: ...his owner s manual is compiled from the latest specifications and product information available at the time of publication We reserve the right to make changes as they become necessary Any changes to our products may causeslightvariationsbetweentheillustrationsandexplanationsinthismanualandtheproductyouhavepurchased Ifyouexperienceanyproblemswithyourpowerchairthatyouareunabletosolve orifyoudonotfe...

Page 5: ...creationideas dailylivingtips productandfundinginformation andinteractivemessageboards ThesemessageboardsinvitedyoutocommunicatewithotherPridecustomersas well as Pride representatives who are available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have MyAuthorized Pride ProviderIs Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________...

Page 6: ...ou will soon be in full and confident control as you maneuver through doorways on and off of elevators up and down ramps and over moderate terrain Below are some precautions tips and other safety considerations that will help the user become accustomed to operatingthepowerchairsafely Modifications Pride has designed and engineered your power chair to provide maximum mobility and utility Awide rang...

Page 7: ...y WARNING Inflate your power chair drive tires from a regulated air source with an avail able pressure gauge Inflating your tires from an unregulated air source could overinflate them resulting in a burst tire and or personal injury Incline Information More and more buildings have ramps with specified degrees of inclination designed for easy and safe access Some ramps may have turning switchbacks ...

Page 8: ...attemptto safely ascend or descend on your power chair does not exceed 5 See figure 1 WARNING Any attempt to climb or descend a slope steeper than 5 may put your power chair in an unstable position and cause it to tip resulting in personal injury Braking Information Yourpowerchairisequippedwithtwopowerfulbrakesystems 1 Regenerative useselectricitytorapidlyslowthevehiclewhenthejoystickreturnstothec...

Page 9: ...o place your power chair into and out of freewheel mode see IV TheJet3 WARNING Do not use your power chair in freewheel mode without an attendant present Personal injury may result WARNING Do not attempt to personally place your power chair in freewheel mode while seated on it Personal injury may result Ask an attendant for assistance if necessary WARNING Do not place your power chair in freewheel...

Page 10: ...llow the rubber door edge to contact the power chair and the door will reopen n Use care that pocketbooks packages or power chair accessories do not become caught in elevator doors EMI RFI LaboratorytestsperformedbytheFoodandDrugAdministration FDA haveshownthatradiowavescancause unintendedmotionofelectricmobilityvehicles Radiowavesareaformofelectromagneticenergy EM When EM adversely affects the op...

Page 11: ...tip and cause personal injury WARNING Avoid putting all of your weight on the footrest Such use may cause the power chair to tip and cause personal injury Positioning Belts Your authorized Pride provider therapist s and other healthcare professionals are responsible for determining your requirement for a positioning belt in order to operate your power chair safely WARNING If you require a position...

Page 12: ...s Movements such as these may change your center of gravity and the weight distribution of the power chair This may cause your power chair to tip possibly resulting in personal injury Keep your hands away from the tires when driving Batteries In addition to following the warnings below be sure to comply with all other battery handling information For moreinformationaboutyourpowerchair sbatteries s...

Page 13: medications and limitations may impair your ability to operate your power chair in a safe manner Alcohol The power chair user must exercise care and common sense when operating his her power chair This includes awarenessofsafetyissueswhileundertheinfluenceofalcohol WARNING Do not operate your power chair while you are under the influence of alcohol as this may impair your ability to operate you...

Page 14: n Position of the power chair whether it is on level ground or on a slope n Whetherornotthepowerchairisinmotion An affected power chair s movement can be erratic The chair may move by itself or come to a sudden stop Furthermore it is possible for EMI RFI to unexpectedly release the brakes on a power chair Some intense sources of EMI RFI can even damage the control system of your Jet 3 Is there ...

Page 15: ...encedanyunintendedmotion itisnotlikelythat youwillhaveproblemsinthefuture However itisalwayspossiblethatproblemscouldariseifyourpowerchair is closetoasourceofradiowaves Therefore itisveryimportanttobealerttothispossibility TheJet3meetsor exceedsanimmunitylevelofatleast20V m What can I do to reduce the risk that my power chair could be affected by EMI RFI Here are some precautions you can take n Do...

Page 16: ...ane crutch holder a cup holder and or a power seat switch ThepowerbaseistheheartoftheJet3 Thepowerbaseassemblyincludestwomotor brakeassemblies twoanti tipassemblieswithanti tipwheels twodrivewheels acasterassemblywithtworearcasters twobatteries apower seatactuator optional andaconnectorhousing Seefigure3belowandfigures4a and4b Figure 3 The Jet 3 SEATBACK CONTROLLER ANTI TIP WHEELS ARMRESTS BODY SH...

Page 17: ...18 5 in OverallSize Length 34 5in Width 23in SeatingOptions Medium back standard Highback withheadrest Drivetrain Two motor mid wheel Batteries Two 12 volt U 1 batteries Range Up to 20 miles BatteryCharger 4 amp onboard standard 4 amp off board Electronics Pilot Controller VSI Controller standard WeightCapacity 250 lbs ComponentWeights Base 95 lbs Seat 36 5 lbs Batteries 24 5 lbs each Warranties F...


Page 19: ...lowtheJet3to rest forapproximatelyoneminute Then pushinthecircuitbreakerbutton turnonthecontrollerpower andcontinuenormaloperation Ifthemaincircuit breaker continues to trip repeatedly contact your authorized Pride provider Controller harness connectors These connect the controller cables to the power base POSITIONING BELT The following positioning belt is available as an option from your authoriz...

Page 20: ...e Seefigure7 If a lever is difficult to move in either direction rock the Jet 3 gently back and forth while turning the levers The levershouldthenmovetothedesiredposition Figure 6 Drive Motors Engaged Figure 7 Drive Motors Disengaged Freewheel Mode I V T H E J E T 3 WARNING Do not use your Jet while the drive motors are disengaged unless you are in the presence of an attendant Do not disengage the...

Page 21: ...Loosen the seat post base locking nut using a 11 mm wrench and a 5 mm hex key 5 Slide the seat pedestal up or down in the seat post base 6 Align the holes on the seat post and the seat post base 7 Reinstallandtightenthehex headnutandbolt 8 Retightentheseatpostbaselockingnut V C O M F O R T A D J U S T M E N T S Figure 8 Seat Height Adjustment HEX HEAD NUT SEAT POST SEAT POST BASE Figure 9 Armrest ...

Page 22: ...t JOYSTICK EXTENSION Thejoystickcontrolcaneasilyslideoutawayfromthearmrest or in toward the armrest To extend the joystick 1 Use a 5 mm hex key to loosen the setscrew See figure 11 2 Slide the joystick mounting bracket into or out of the armrest tothedesiredposition 3 Retightenthesetscrewbyturningitclockwise JOYSTICK POSITION Youcanpositionthejoystickforeitherleft handorright handuse To change the...

Page 23: ...fsixdifferentheights Seefigure14 To raise or lower the footrest 1 Remove the bolt from the footrest using a 6 mm hex key and 13 mm socket 2 Raise or lower the footrest to the desired height See figure 14 3 Reinstalltheboltintothefootrest FOOTREST DEPTH The Jet 3 uses a ball detent pin to fasten footrest to the power base See figure 14 To adjust the footrest depth 1 Remove the ball detent pin from ...

Page 24: ...comfortable This may be particularytrueforlighterusers Inthiscase youmayneedtolowertheanti tipwheels RequiredTools 13 mm wrench To adjust the anti tip wheel height 1 Removetheseat thebodyshroud andthe batteries SeeVI Disassembly andVII BatteriesandCharging 2 Locate the jam nut and bolt on the anti tip assembly See figure 15 3 Use a 13 mm wrench to loosen the jam nut 4 Turntheboltclockwisetoraiseth...

Page 25: ...the body shroud in order to change the batteries and check the cable connections To remove the body shroud 1 Turnthepoweroff 2 Make sure the Jet 3 s motors are engaged See IV The Jet 3 3 Unplugthecontrollerwiringharness 4 Pullleverandturntheseatslightlywhilelifting 5 Remove the seat 6 Liftthebodyshroudstraightup Itshouldliftupeasily BATTERY REMOVAL To remove the batteries seeVII Batteries and Char...

Page 26: ... electronics connector housing for easy viewing The 7 5 amp in line fuse is located under the electronics connector housing The in line fuse protects the entire charger circuit from shorts or bad connections The ammeter indicates the rate of charge necessary to fully recharge the batteries The ammeter is alsoagoodindicationofwhetherornotthechargerisworking Theammeterandthechargerarefunctionalonly ...

Page 27: ...eries for maximum efficiency 1 Fully recharge any new battery prior to its initial use This will bring the battery up to about 90 of its peak performance 2 RunyourJet3aboutthehouse Moveslowlyatfirstanddon tstraytoofaruntilyougrowaccustomedtothe controls and break in the batteries 3 Givethebatteriesanotherfullchargeof8to14hoursandruntheJet3 again Thebatterieswillnowperform at over 90 of their poten...

Page 28: ... get maximum range or distance per charge Rarelywillyouhaveanidealdrivingsituation suchassmooth flat hardterrainwithnohillsorcurves Moreoften you will be presented with hills sidewalk cracks uneven and loosely packed surfaces and curves All of these factors will affect the distance or running time per battery charge Below are a few suggestions for obtaining the maximumrangepercharge n Alwaysfullyc...

Page 29: discharged infrequently charged or stored withoutafullchargemaybepermanentlydamaged causingunreliableJet3operationandlimitedbatterylife How should I store my Jet 3 and batteries IfyoudonotuseyourJet3regularly werecommendmaintainingbatterypowerbychargingthebatteriesatleast once per week If you do not plan on using your Jet 3 for an extended period of time fully charge the batteries prior to stor...

Page 30: ...6 3 pinchargerinhibit connector Typically theVSIismountedtoone of the armrests and is connected to the motors batteries and the onboard charger at the electronics tray Joystick The joystick controls the direction and speed of your power chair When you move the joystick from the neutral center position theelectromagneticbrakesreleaseandallowyourpowerchairtomove Thefurtheryoupushthe joystickfromitsn...

Page 31: ...t in the VSI or the electrical system Refer to VSI Error Codes n Rippleupanddownoflights The joystick was not in the neutral position when the controller was turnedon Ifyouget rippleupanddownoflights turnoffthecontroller allowthejoysticktoreturn totheneutralposition thenturnonthecontroller NOTE If you still get ripple up and down of lights contact your authorized Pride provider NOTE When the batte...

Page 32: and motor brakes 3 pin Charger Inhibit Connector This connects the VSI to the onboard battery charger This connection provides an inhibit that disables theVSI whenthebatterychargerison Thechargerinhibitconnectoriscodedwithcoloreddots Thedotsarepositioned so that you align the flat side of the male connector with the flat side of the female connector before making the connection CAUTION Failure ...

Page 33: ...ery 2 The left motor has a bad connection Check the left motor connection 3 The left motor has a short circuit to a battery connection Contact your authorized Pride provider 4 The right motor has a bad connection Check the right motor connection 5 The right motor has a short circuit to a battery connection Contact your authorized Pride provider 6 The power chair is being inhibited by the battery c...

Page 34: ...ctronicstray Joystick The joystick controls the direction and speed of your power chair When you move the joystick from the neutral center position theelectromagneticbrakesreleaseandallowyourpowerchairtomove Thefurtheryoupushthe joystickfromitsneutralposition thefasteryourpowerchairmoves Whenyoureleasethejoystickandallowitto returntotheneturalposition youengagetheelectromagneticbrakes Thiscausesyo...

Page 35: counterclockwise to decrease NOTE We recommend that the first few times you operate your power chair you turn the speed control to the slowest setting until you become familiar with your new power chair Off board Charger Programming Socket Youmayuseanoff boardchargertochargethepowerchairbatteriesthroughthe3 pinsocketlocatedonthefront of the Pilot If you use an off board charger the charger curr...

Page 36: ...analsoindicatepossible problemswithyourpowerchair Thebatteryconditionmeterhastenlights Thelightsprovideinformationbythe numberoflightsthatareflashing Ifanyofthemeterlightsareflashingrapidly thecontrollermaybeindicatinga fault Forinstance ifthefirstlightisflashingrapidly thebatteryvoltageisnearlydepleted Thefollowingisalistof the possible errors signified by the rapidly flashing meter When you get ...

Page 37: ...eterisblinkingslowly thebatteriesarelowandneedtobecharged but the controller and electrical system are OK n Ifthebatteryconditionmeterisblinkingrapidly thecontrollerhasdetectedafaulteitherinitsowncircuitsor in the Jet 3 s circuits SeeVIII Operation n Make sure the drive tires are inflated to 30 35 psi WARNING Make sure your tires are inflated to 30 35 psi Do not under or overinflate your tires Und...

Page 38: ...rnesses from the electronics connector housing and inspect the connections Look for corrosion Contact your authorized Pride provider if necessary n Ensure that all parts of the controller system are securely fastened to your Jet 3 Do not overtighten any screws n Check for proper tire inflation There should be 30 35 psi in each tire If a tire will not hold air see your authorizedPrideproviderforrep...

Page 39: ...onofyourchair Ifyouhaveaflattire replace thetube ReplacementtiresandtubesarereadilyavailableatyourauthorizedPrideprovider WARNING To avoid possible injury be sure that the controller s power is turned off and the power chair is not in freewheel mode before performing this procedure WARNING Completely deflate the tire before attempting repair Follow these easy steps for a quick safe tube or tire re...

Page 40: ...n you have the batteries away from your Jet 3 This gives you more room to work See figures 21 and 22 7 ConnectthewirelabeledREARBATTERY to a battery s positive red terminal Connect the wire labeled REAR BATTERY tothenegative black terminal Seefigure23 Install the battery in the rear of your Jet 3 s battery tray with the battery terminals facing inward toward the center of the Jet3 Plugthewiringhar...

Page 41: ...cks prove normal you can load test the batteries with a battery load tester These testers are availableatautomotivepartsstores Disconnectbothbatteriesbeforeloadtestingandfollowthedirectionsthat camewiththeloadtester Ifeitheroneofthebatteryfailstheloadtest replacebothofthem IfyourJet3stilldoes not power up contact your authorized Pride provider I X C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E MOTOR BRUSHES ...

Page 42: ... not power up n Powers up but does not move I X C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E WHEN TO SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED PRIDE PROVIDER FOR SERVICE The following symptoms could indicate a serious problem with your Jet 3 If necessary contact your authorized Prideprovider Whencalling havereadythemodelnumber theserialnumber thenatureoftheproblem andthe troublecodeifavailable All manuals and user guides at all...

Page 43: ...n be used when removing the basket from the Jet 3 CUP HOLDER The cup holder is mounted to the armrest SWING AWAY JOYSTICK BRACKET This option enables you to move the joystick from the front of the armrest to the side of the armrest without disconnectingit ELEVATING LEG RESTS ElevatingLegRests ELRs providetheJet3withtheabilitytosupporteachlegindividually EachELRhasawide rangeofangleandfootplate len...

Page 44: ...ntsexceptbody n Rubbercomponents n Bearingsandbushings n Casterandanti tipwheels WARRANTY EXCEPTIONS Motor Themotorcommutatorisnotwarrantedifdamageiscausedbynotreplacingthemotorbrushesiftheyare worn heavily Motor brushes are wear items and are not warranted Brake There is a one year warranty for the electrical function of the brakes Brake pads are wear items and are not warranted Battery The batte...

Page 45: ...orage n Commercialuse oruseotherthannormal There is no other express warranty Implied warranties including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited to one 1 yearfromthedateofpurchaseand ortotheextentpermittedbylaw Anyandallimpliedwarrantiesareexcluded Thisistheexclusiveremedy Liabilitiesforconsequentialdamagesunderanyandallwarrantiesareexcluded Some states do not a...

Page 46: ...46 www pridemobility com Jet 3 Rev I Feb03 N O T E S All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...

Page 47: ... that it has been driven and inspected Quality Control Model JET 3 Controller Controller Serial Performance InclusionofallParts 1 In Quality Control Model ______________ Serial ______________ Pride keeps a more detailed report on file at the factory Date Inspected Inspector Power Chairs All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
