Jet 3/Rev I/Feb03
The connector housing is located on the rear of the Jet 3. See figures 4a and 4b. The connector housing holds the
ammeter, the battery charger power cord receptacle, the main circuit breaker, and controller harness connectors.
The ammeter displays the chargers current output in amps. For more information, see VII. Batteries
and Charging.
Battery charger power cord receptacle:
This is for your battery charger power cord. The cord is typically
located in the seat pocket. For more information, see VII. Batteries and Charging.
Main circuit breaker:
The main circuit breaker is a safety feature built into your Jet 3. When the batteries and the
motors are heavily strained (e.g., from excessive loads), the main circuit breaker will trip to prevent damage to the
motors and the electronics. If the circuit breaker trips, allow the Jet 3 to rest for approximately one minute. Then,
push in the circuit breaker button, turn on the controller power, and continue normal operation. If the main circuit
breaker continues to trip repeatedly, contact your authorized Pride provider.
Controller harness connectors:
These connect the controller cables to the power base.
The following positioning belt is available as an option from your authorized Pride provider. It is designed to
support the operators torso so that he or she does not slide downward or forward in the seat. See figure 5. Your
equipment may vary.
The positioning belt is not designed for use as a restraining device.
Make sure the belt is secure but does not cause discomfort.
WARNING! The positioning belt is not designed for use as a seat belt in a motor vehicle. Nor is your
Jet 3 suitable for use as a seat in any vehicle. Anyone traveling in a vehicle should be properly
belted into seats approved by the vehicle manufacturer.
I V . T H E J E T 3
Figure 5. Positioning Belt
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