1. Familiarize yourself with the chest placement illustrations below and at right.
2. Peel away the Strip’s adhesive backing, then place the Strip and monitor on your chest in one of the placement
locations shown at right. Make sure one of the two arrows on the Strip is pointing up.
3. Ensure the Strip is spread out evenly, with no wrinkles.
4. To achieve a tight, smooth connection with the skin, press and
hold the Strip over the gel pads against the skin. It may take
a minute or so to form a good connection with the skin and
contours of the chest.
Attach BodyGuardian Heart to your chest
Do not wrinkle
the Strip.
Ensure the
Strip is spread
out evenly.
Do not tuck or
pin the Strip
to bra or other
Too far to
right side of
Too low, too
far to left
side of chest
Too low
Examples of incorrect placement
Too low
Gel pads