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9 White w/ Blue Trace Wire:
Low Current (-) Ground Headlight Output
The White w/ Blue Trace Wire is provided to operate the optional headlamp illumination feature of the
system. This is a low current (300mA) output and must be connected to an external relay to control the
high current switching circuit of the vehicle's headlamps. To use this option, Connect the White /w Blue
Trace Wire to terminal #86 of a P&B VF45F11 relay or equivalent. Connect Terminals #85 and #30 to
a fused +12 Volts source with a current capability equal to or in excess of the factory headlamp fuse.
Connect terminal #87 of the relay to the sw12 Volt wire feeding the vehicle's headlamp circuit.
For ground switched headlamp circuits, connect the White /w Blue Trace Wire to terminal #86
of a P&B VF45F11 relay or equivalent. Connect Terminal #85 to a fused +12 Volts source.
Connect terminal #30 to a clean chassis ground. Connect terminal #87 to the ground switched
headlamp control wire in the vehicle.
10 Green w/ White Trace Wire:
Entry Illumination Ground Output
This wire provides a 30 second ground output (300 mA Max) whenever the remote is used to disarm the
alarm or to unlock the doors and provides a continuous pulsed output whenever the alarm is triggered. This
wire should be connected to an external relay and wired to the vehicle's interior entry lighting whenever
the optional Interior Illumination circuit is desired. See Wiring Diagram for details.
Light Blue/Green Wire:
Delayed 300 mA Pulsed Output / Channel 5
The Light Blue/Green Wire pulses to ground via an independent RF channel from the keychain transmitter.
This is a transistorized, low current output, and should only be used to drive an external relay coil.
Connecting the Light Blue/Green Wire to the high current switched output of trunk release
circuits, some remote start trigger inputs, will damage the control module. Connect the
Light Blue/Green Wire to terminal #86 of a 30 A automotive relay, connect terminal #85 to
a +12 Volt source, and wire the remaining relay contacts to perform the selected function
of channel 5.
12 Dark Blue Wire:
Delayed 300 mA Pulsed Output / Channel 3
The Dark Blue Wire pulses to ground via an independent RF channel from the keychain transmitter. This
is a transistorized, low current output, and should only be used to drive an external relay coil.
Connecting the dark blue wire to the high current switched output of trunk release circuits,
and some remote start trigger inputs, will damage the control module. In these cases, connect
the Dark Blue Wire to terminal 86 of an Automotive 30 AMP relay, terminal #85 to +12 Volts,
and wire the remaining relay contacts to perform the selected function of channel 3.
Dark Green w/ Black Trace Wire:
Latching Output / Channel 4
The Green w/ Black Trace Wire latches to ground via an independent RF channel from the keychain
transmitter. This is a transistorized, low current ( 300 mA ) output, and should only be used to drive an
external relay coil.
This wire provides an immediate ground signal, and stays at ground for as long as the button(s) on the
keychain transmitter remains pressed.
CAUTION: Connecting the Dark Green w/ Black Trace Wire to the high current
switched output of trunk release circuits will damage the control module.
Connect the Dark Green w/ Black Trace Wire to terminal 86 of the AS 9256 relay (or an
equivalent 30 Amp automotive relay ), and wire the remaining relay contacts to perform the
selected function of channel 4.