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Using the back plate as a template; mark out the 2x holes required for mounting.
Use a leveller to ensure the bracket is completely level.
Use a suitable fixing method for your wall type - drill a hole in the chosen wall or
cabinet. Clean and insert the fixing into the hole. Expand the anchor by
tightening the nut (if required). Repeat this process for the remaining hole to
support the bracket. Check the fixings are secure before mounting the unit. It is
advisable to use open hook expansion bolts to allow for easy installation.
Carefully lift the pouch sealer over the fixings to support its weight. Tighten the
fixings until they are hand tight and the unit is secure.
Double check that the unit has secured correctly and there is no risk of it falling
away from the wall or furniture.
For more information on installing the Prestige Medical Pouch Sealer please
contact Prestige Medical or your local distributor.