settings. This desirable effect is especially good for microphones
and on an electric bass and the resulting sound is infinitely richer
and sweeter. An overdriven signal can be achieved by significantly
raising the level of the Drive control. This overdriven tube effect is
extremely useful in providing cool guitar sounds and way cool for
use with harmonicas for that authentic “Blues harp” vibe. The
limits on the possibilities of the Drive control are up to you, your
application and your imagination. Experiment!
control governs the amount of boost to the signal being
processed by the pre-amplifier. Dynamic mics and instruments
without pre-amps will normally require more gain than condenser
mics and instruments that have a built-in pre-amp (care should be
taken with instruments having their own built-in pre-amp not to
overdrive the input of the Blue Tube). If
you should require more
ut of the pre-amp for a hotter recording level or to
drive an input of some down stream device harder, cranking
up the gain should provide all the signal that you’ll need.