Your Headpointer is Compatible With Your
Communication Device
You have received an optical headpointer that is compatible with your communication device.
If you use a Liberator, your headpointer looks like the headpointer in illustrations 1 on the facing page.
The fat, round end points toward the Liberator keyboard.
If you use a DeltaTalker, an AlphaTalker or AlphaTalker II, a Light Talker or an IntroTalker, your
headpointer looks like the headpointer in illustrations 2, 3 and 4 on the facing page. The longer, thin,
round end points toward the keyboard on your device.
Both kinds of headpointers can be mounted on either the headset or the headband.
On the headset, the headpointer can be mounted either on one of the sides or on the top center. In
illustrations 2 and 3, the headpointer is mounted to the side of the headset. In illustration 1 it is mounted
on the top.
In illustration 4, the DelktaTalker, AlphaTalker, AlphaTalker II, Light Talker, IntroTalker headpointer is
center-mounted horizontally on the headband. You can also change the headband mount to a vertical
one. This is explained later.