Alarm Cards
Model No.
Running Head
Alarm Card User Screens and Settings
Alarm Cards
ALR 28+14 Card Screens and Settings
Alarm Sensor Screen
Figure 1-10 shows the first (page 1) of three Alarm Sensors Screen for the ALR 28+14 Card.
These are the main screens for that card. The first two screens each list 10 sensors, and the
third screen similarly lists 8 sensors. You must give each sensor a name that corresponds to
the incoming alarm, then set each variable for every sensor as described in this section.
Figure 1-10. ALR 28+14 Alarm Sensor Screen
The bottom highlighted line of the screen shows several actions that you can perform from this
screen. To perform an action, simply press the uppercase letter on your keyboard that
corresponds to the desired action. For example, to go to the next screen page, type
command). Table 1-3 lists these actions, and Table 1-4 lists the configuration option settings
and default values. These parameters are described in the following paragraphs.