Installation Guide
Installationsanleitung, Guía de Instalacíon, Guida de Installazione, Guide d’Installation, Installatie gids
www.mounts.com | North America 800.368.9700 | Interna1-714-632-7100
Page 12
Premier Mounts’ Universal Washers are designed to
accommodate the various M4, M5, M6 and M8 hole
sizes required by flat panels.
Do not place excessive pressure on the back of
the flat panel, as this may damage your flat panel.
The Universal Washer must be installed between
the head of the mounting screw and the mounting
bracket as shown.
Does your flat panel have:
Recessed mount points?
Uneven mount points?
A curved back?
Any obstruction near the mount point?
, you must install Universal Spacers. Remove the
mounting brackets, Universal Washers, and mounting
screws from the back of the flat panel.
Proceed to the
“Universal Spacer Installation” section.
If No, skip to the “Attaching the Mounting Bracket
to the Flat Panel” section.
Premier Mounts’ Universal Spacers allow you to
attach the mounting bracket to flat panels which have
recessed or uneven mount points. Each Universal
Spacer adds ¼˝ to the distance between the mounting
bracket and your flat panel.
The Universal Spacers must be stacked and
oriented as shown.
The Universal Spacers must only be installed
between the mounting bracket and your flat panel.
The Universal Spacers will fit M4, M5, M6 and M8
screw sizes.
Proceed to the “Attaching the Mounting Bracket to
the Flat Panel” section.
Flat Panel
Universal Washer
Universal Spacer
Mounting Bracket
Mount Point
Mounting Screw
M5, M6
Universal Washer Installation
Universal Spacer Installation