9.23, 9.27 Treadmill
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14. With an ohmmeter, measure between pins 1 and 2 of JK3 (red and white wires) and
measure between pins 2 and 3 of JK3 (white and black wires). These two measurements
should total 10K
when added together. If these three measurements in steps 13 and 14
are correct the incline should be functioning normally, replace JK3 and retest incline
operation. If any of the three measurements were significantly incorrect continue with step
15. Remove the screw that fasten the cover on the top of the incline motor and carefully lift the
cover off of the incline motor. Check the wire connections on the incline potentiometer to
ensure they are securely connected to the incline potentiometer. Refer to Diagram 5.3.
Diagram 5.3 - Incline Potentiometer
16. Repeat the three ohmmeter measurements in steps 13 and 14 directly on the three
terminals of the incline potentiometer. If the three measurements are now correct the
problem is in the cable from the incline potentiometer to the lower PCA. The cable may be
repairable. If the cable can not be repaired, replace the incline motor per Procedure 6.1.
17. If the measurements in step 16 are still significantly incorrect, replace the incline motor per
Procedure 6.1.
18. If you have performed all of the procedures above and have been unable to correct the
problem, call Precor customer support.