Securely attach the liner to the spigot plate using self-
tapping screws and the three pre-drilled screw holes
in the spigot. Seal the joint with fire cement and / or
fire rope before you finally position and fix it to the
top of the inset boiler stove.
The spigot fits around the flue liner so that any
potential creosote will run down the inside of the liner
and then into the stove rather than cause a build-up
on top of the stove bodywork which could eventually
leak and cause an unsightly mess and possible fire
The spigot with the liner attached can then be
easily bolted into place from inside the stove (see left)
once the stove’s baffle plate has been temporarily
removed. See page 10
Back-filling the gap between chimney and the flex-
ible lining with vermiculite should only be undertaken
when the stove is securely fixed in its final position.
Insulating at the sides and back of the stove
If you are not using a chimney lining then any gaps at
the back and sides of the stove and the fireplace
aperture should be filled with non-combustible
insulation material such as rockwool or vermiculite.
This will not only improve the efficiency of the stove
but also help avoid the potential build-up of
combustible soot along the sides – this is an especially
important requirement if you are not using a flue liner.
Some installations may require you to do this by
removing the stove baffle plate and feeding the
insulating material through the stove flueway and
then manipulating it with your hand so that it
completely fills the voids at the sides and back of the
inset stove.
Attaching the stove to the fireplace
There are two ways that the Precision Inset Boiler
stove can be secured to the fireplace or fire surround
depending on the particular opening. To ensure that
you create a firm and safe fix it may be appropriate to
use both methods.
Fire Cement
Always read the Fire Cement manufacturer’s
instructions first. Prolonged contact with fire cement
and skin should be avoided. Protective gloves and
glasses should be worn when applying fire cement.
Care should also be taken to avoid unnecessary
contact between the stove’s surfaces and the fire
cement as this could damage the paintwork. Any
excess fire cement should be quickly removed before
it hardens.
Fitting the flexible liner spigot plate
An outer flue spigot plate (or collar) is provided to
fit to the top of stove if you are using an approved
flexible liner which you should have already dropped
inside the chimney.