Version: A.00
AgGuide V6 Operation Manual
Page 49
Headland Recording Example
A headland line can be created at the same time a boundary is recorded. Please refer to the
of this document for more information.
The following illustrates the steps required to create a headland Pass independently of boundary recording.
At point 1, Headland recording is started by selecting the Set point button. This creates the starting point of the
Headland line.
At point 2 Headland recording is switched to recording mode to record an irregular area of the headland. At
point 3,resulting an a contour following the Headland area. Headland recording is paused.
At point 4, a point is set resulting in a straight line segment from point 3 to point 4.
At point 5, headland recording is completed resulting in a straight line from point 4 to point 5. Note that
selecting Finish does note automatically close the headland line as observed when performing boundary