Version: A.00
AgGuide V6 Operation Manual
Page 45
Opening the Boundary Recording Menu
Selecting the Recording Point
Selecting the Boundary Type
Selecting Headland Line Recording Mode
Boundary Recorder Flyout Menu
The Boundary Button will toggle visibility of the
Recorder Flyout Menu. If the boundary
recording is running, recording will continue
even when the menu is not visible.
Select Centre, left or Right
recording position.
Close the Flyout
Select Interior or Exterior
boundary Type.
Close the Flyout
Select whether to create headland line.
When Locked, a Headland line will be
created automatically.
Close the Flyout
Information about Headland Passes.
When headland Line recording is Locked, the number of Headland paths created is
determined by the current number of headland passes selected in the Headland Menu.