Copyright © 2021 Quality Machine Tools, LLC
PM-1340GT v8 2021-04
This is a self-contained system that can be installed on
any PM-1340GT lathe. It is shipped pre-wired to a switch
to be installed in a knockout on the main panel, Figure
1-5. The supplied cable is tagged for connection to cor-
responding terminals in the electrical box, Figure 1-4
The coolant system is typically used with water-miscible
(emulsified) cutting fluid. It can also be used with light
weight neat cutting oil straight from the can. Synthetic
cutting fluids are
not recommended
due to their poten-
tial for corrosion and other undesirable effects on the
lathe and the coolant pump.
Figure 3-30
PM-1340GT coolant system
If you use emulsified cutting fluid, bear in mind that the
ratio of product to water is important — too much water
causes excessive corrosion and other problems. Check
the mix from time to time using a refractometer. If this is
not available, make up a small batch according to the
product directions, then replace with a fresh batch when
the old one becomes unusable due to reduced perfor-
mance, oil/water separation, or bad odor.
Disposal of used cutting fluid can be a problem. It is
about 95% water, so its volume can be drastically re
duced by evaporation in an open tank. The residue may
then be handled like any other waste oil.