PD6830X Explosion-Proof Modbus Scanners
Instruction Manual
Cover Jam Screw
The cover jam screw should be properly installed
once the scanner has been wired and tested in a safe
environment. The cover jam screw is intended to
prevent the removal of the scanner cover in a
flameproof environment without the use of tools.
Using a M2 hex wrench, turn the screw clockwise until
the screw contacts the scanner. Turn the screw an
additional ¼ to ½ turn to secure the cover.
Excess torque may damage the threads and/or
To access the connectors, loosen the cover jam
screw (if tightened) with an M2 hex wrench, remove
the enclosure cover and unscrew the two captive
screws that fasten the display module into the enclo-
sure. Disconnect the ribbon cable and remove the
display module. RS-485 serial connections are made
to a removable terminal block on the back of the dis-
play module. Power and signal connections are made
to a barrier terminal connector in the base of the en-
closure. Grounding connections are made to the two
ground screws provided on the base – one internal
and one external. Use proper grounding techniques
for explosion-proof areas and observe all local and
national electric codes.
RS-485 data B (non-inverting) connection
RS-485 data A (inverting) connection
RS-485 shield ground connection
DC Power positive terminal connection
DC power supply input return/negative,
reset contact closure common
Contact closure reset pull-up to 1.8 VDC
Pulse input signal positive terminal
connection (Refer to LIM6830XPulse
for instructions).
Pulse input signal negative terminal
connection (Refer to LIM6830XPulse
for instructions).
Open collector output 1 positive terminal
Open collector output 1 negative terminal
Open collector output 2 positive terminal
Open collector output 2 negative terminal
4-20 mA transmitter output DC power
positive terminal connection.
4-20 mA transmitter output DC power
negative terminal connection.
Refer to
Observe all safety regulations. Electrical wiring
should be performed in accordance with all
agency requirements and applicable national,
state, and local codes to prevent damage to the
scanner and ensure personnel safety.
Static electricity can damage sensitive
Observe safe handling precautions for
static-sensitive components.
Use proper grounding procedures/codes.
If the scanner is installed in a high voltage
environment and a fault or installation error
occurs, high voltage may be present on any lead
or terminal.
Figure 3. Connector Board Mounted in Base of
Figure 4. Connectors & Switches on Rear of Display