19 Camera back
20 Carrier shaft
21 Cartridge chamber
22 Cover plate for power source
23 Tripod socket
24 Supporting piece for PL system
25 Marking point
26 Take-up spool
27 Transport sprocket
28 Wire bracket
Special Features of the PRAKTICA super TL
The PRAKTICA super TL is the converging point of the modern PRAKTICA single-lens reflex system. Key to this new
system is photography is a newly devised method of automatic exposure based on the principle of internally
measuring the light in the path of rays by means of a photo resistor.
All values influencing the exposure, such as image angle, aperture, and extension factors for filters and in macro
and micro work, are taken into account by the meter system. The measuring range extends from 2 apostilbs at f/2
to 250.000 apostilbs at f/22.
Meter key connected to the metering system.
Power source for the metering system has a working life of approximately two years.
Range of film speeds from 9 DIN to 33 DIN or 6 ASA to 1600 ASA.
Focal-plane shutter giving exposure speeds from 1 sec. To 1/500 sec., and B.
Non-rotating dial for setting the shutter speeds.
Prism viewfinder with bright, unreversed and parallax-free finder image. Due to the instant return mirror it is
almost continuously visible.
Two possibilities of focusing on the bright viewfinder image in micro-prism screen or groundglass circle.
Synchronization for flash bulbs and electronic flash.
Conveniently placed rapid wind lever and smoothly working oblique shutter release with locking device against
accidental triggering.
Shutter cocking mechanism and film transport are coupled and provided with locking device against double
exposures and blanks.
Automatic exposure counter.
Automatic pressure diaphragm.
Film loading facilitated by PL System.
Swing-out rewind crank, self-locking rewind release knob.
Interchangeable lenses from 20 mm to 1000 mm focal length, with PRAKTICA fitting, mostly with automatic
pressure diaphragm.
Wide range of PRAKTICA accessories.