Focusing on the central micro-prism screen
Correct focusing is achieved as soon as the image in the
micro-prism screen is clear and free from fuzziness.
If the image looks fuzzy or crumbles into screen
elements, it s out of focus.
Focusing is extremely reliable owing to the apparent
quick transition from unsharpness to sharpness and vie
versa. It is advisable to do the focusing with the lens at
the widest aperture (smallest diaphragm numeral).
Focusing on the circular groundglass area
The groundglass area encircling the micro-prism screen
may be used for focusing with the lens at a small
aperture (large diaphragm numeral) or in case of greater
scales of reproduction as, for instance, in close-up or
macrophotography. The remaining section of the finder
image is not meant for focusing.
Depth-of-field indication (5)
These are the figures on the right and left of the red
focusing index. The exposure distance is set against the
red mark. On the left of the mark, next to the desired
diaphragm numeral, you read on the distance scale
where the depth of definition begins, and on the right,
where it ends.
For the 50 mm Pancolar f/1.8 from Jena
In accordance with the aperture setting, the two black
marks refer to the depth of field. The distance figure
stand against the red index. On its left you see where the
depth of definition begins and on its right, where it ends:
You move forward from the marks on the white or black
rim surfaces towards the distance scale.
Depth of field can also be checked in the viewfinder
image on actuation of meter key (3), or of the manual
stop down lever on the lens mount after the exposure
reading has been taken.
All readings on the distance are in relation to the position
of the image plane. Taking lens and finder lens being one
and the same, there is no parallax error. Persons with
faulty eyesight may insert a corrective lens in special
mount into the eyepiece of the viewfinder (connecting point for further special finder equipment - see Section R).
For infra-red exposures the focusing point has to be slightly modified. By rotation of distance setting ring (4) the distance
reading which, after focusing, stands next to the red indicator, has to be moved to meet the red dot (infra-red dot) next to
the indicator. Thus, the image produced by the no longer visible infra-red rays, which is somewhat farther away from the
lens that the one designed by the visible light, is brought into correct position in relation to the film.
L) Releasing and cocking the shutter
Before releasing the shutter, please note the following:
1. Make sure that the shutter release is unlocked (Section F).
2. For exposure speeds slower than 1/30 sec. it is advisable to use a tripod and a cable release.
3. If signal is visible in viewfinder, the camera is not ready for exposing! Cock the shutter.
When taking your picture we advise you to hold your PRAKTICA super TL so that it lies firmly in both hands and you are
able to actuate the shutter release (13) comfortably.
The shutter release (13) has to be depressed smoothly - never with a jerk - as far as it will go, until the shutter has run