There is 15 built-in program P01-P15 in the treadmill system. Press GROG button at standby
status, SPEED window shows Pl-P15, TIME window twinkles after favourite program chosen
and displays 15:00 (minutes) of pre-set time, then press any button of , INCLINE-,
SPEED+, SPEED-and pre-set running time, finally press START button the machine will start
built-in program. There are 20 phases in built-in program, running time of each program is
1/20 of setting time., user can change speed and incline will revise according to program
change. It sounds Bi-Bi-Bi to remind when the machine enters into next program
automatically, but the machine will restore speed and incline set when enter into next built-
in program. Treadmill will not slow down till complete stop until all program finish, then
enters into standby status in 5 seconds after dead stop. VII. PROGRAM INSTRUCTION Each
program is divided into 20 phases averagely according to time, each phase has its own speed
and incline
Each program is divided into 20 phases averagely according to time, each phase has its own
speed and incline