200A AC/DC Dial Control TIG Welder 202KE
For technical questions call 1-800-665-8685
Letter references in parenthesis (A) refer to the included Identification Key.
1. Turn on the machine. All LED indicators
will light up for two seconds before
turning off. The power indicator and
selected welding mode will remain on.
The digital display (J) will display the
current setting.
2. Select the welding mode (M) by pushing the welding selection key (N) on
the top or bottom half to move the selection. The LED will light up each
time a new welding selection is chosen.
3. Adjust the welding parameters (P) for the chosen welding mode.
a. Select the parameter by pressing the top or bottom of the parameter
selection key (Q). The selected parameter’s LED indicator will light up.
b. Turn the adjustment knob (O) to alter the parameter setting displayed
in the digital display (J).
4. Set each parameter in the same manner.
5. All parameters are locked in five seconds after there are no further adjustments.
– Primary TIG welding method. The welding machine set-up can be
either DC positive or DC negative, based on the particular requirements for the
welding task.
Pulse DC TIG
– Accuracy and neater welds result from this welding method.
The frequency determines how many times a second power is applied to the
material and filler stick. A lower frequency reduces the amount of overall heat
applied to the workpiece and permits more time for precision work. A higher
frequency increases the heat applied to the material, but allows you to increase
your travel speed to create a weld much quicker than normal without
compromising the weld strength. A foot pedal is often used for variable
frequency during the welding task.
Fig. 3