V 1.45
For any technical questions, please call 1-800-665-8685
Risk of tank explosion.
Explosive failure of the tank, its components or attachments can result in serious injury to self and others
or property damage.
1. Modifications to the tank’s design or construction could weaken it.
Assemble tank components in
accordance with the service instructions. Do not drill into tank, or weld attachments, or alter its design in any
2. Substitution of unauthorized non-standard components could weaken tank or cause component
Use only those components furnished with the tank, assembled in accordance
with instructions in the service literature.
3. Damage to the tank or its components could weaken the tank.
Never attempt to repair a damaged tank.
Replace it with a new one.
4. Improper cleaning or maintenance could block air passages to the safety valve, gauge or outlet,
allowing pressure to rise to dangerous levels, and preventing the lowering of tank pressure.
each use, clean and dry tank and lid in accordance with manintenance instructions. Ensure ports to safety
valve, gauge and outlet are free of hardened paint or other materials which could prevent free movement of
5. Tampering with the safety valve could allow tank pressure to rise to dangerous levels.
Never attempt to
adjust safety valve to change its pressure setting, or defeat its function in any way. Operate the valve before
each use to assure that it functions properly.
6. Removal of the lid while the tank is under pressure could result in the lid being propelled violently from
the tank.
Before releasing clamp force to remove the lid, shut off the supply of tank inlet air and turn the
regulator knob counter-clockwise to relieve air pressure. Check by pulling the safety valve ring.
7. Use of reactive chemicals could attack the lid gasket and safety valve seal, allowing tank pressure
to rise to dangerous levels.
Halogenated hydrocarbon solvents, such as trichlorethane and methylene
chloride can chemically react with aluminum. If this reaction occurs within an enclosed structure such as this
tank, it may cause explosion. Do not use reactive chemicals in your tank such as acids, caustic solutions, or
halogenated hydrocarvon solvents.
8. Overtightening clamps, causing them to weaken and fail could result in the lid being propelled
violently from the tank.
If the lid gasket leaks, relieve the tank pressure and clean or replace the gasket.
This pressure tank is not designed for use with highly abrasive or corrosive materials or those containing rust.
If used with such materials, frequent and thorough cleaning is advised to reduce damage to internal parts.
1. Carefully remove the parts and accessories from the box.
2. Make sure that all items listed in the parts lists are included.
3. Inspect the parts carefully to make sure no breakage or damage occurred during shipping.
4. Do not discard the packaging material until you have carefully inspected and satisfactorily operated
the tool.
WARNING! If any part is missing, do not operate the tool until the missing parts are
replaced. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury.