Default Time
Quick- Med-Well
Select Button
Cook Time
Adjust Range
° C ° F
Delay Timer
N / A
N / A
0-24 hrs
Canning / Preserving
10 mins
10-45-120 mins
10-120 mins
116 241
82.7 12
Soup / Stew
10 mins
10-30-60 mins
10-60 mins
109 228
50 7.2
Slow Cook
2 hrs
2-6-12 hrs
2-12 hrs
79-93 174-199
<30 <4.3
Rice / Risotto
6 mins
6-18-25 mins
6-25 mins
109 228
50 7.2
Beans / Lentils
5 mins
5-15-30 mins
5-30 mins
109 228
50 7.2
Fish / Veg. / Steam
2 mins
2-4-10 mins
2-10 mins
109 228
50 7.2
Meat / Chicken
15 mins
15-40-60 mins
15-60 mins
109 228
50 7.2
Time Adjustment
10 mins
N / A
10-120 mins
Cancel / Keep Warm
N / A
N / A
N / A
If there is steam coming out the sides and the Pressure Valve on top of the Lid is in the Lock position, then the
Lid has not seated. This sometimes happens when the unit is new. If the gasket is in place try pushing down on
the Lid. This should seal the Lid and the steam should stop coming out. It is also important to be sure the Float
Valve is assembled correctly. Incorrect assembly may cause steam to come out the sides or prevent pressure
from building. The Float Valve should be able to move up and down freely only stopping when the silicon gasket
meets the Lid. It is however normal for condensation to appear in the condensation collector. See illustration
below for assembly.
PPC780P_8QT IB_WM_ENG_V5_160624.indd 9
6/24/16 4:52 PM