(362) 9600-GB TECHN. DATEN
- 22 -
(Type PSM 362)
Three-point linkage
Cat. I/II
Working width
3,0 m
Transport width
2,9 m
No. of mowing discs
No. of knives per disc
Coverage up to
3,2 ha/h
Max. p.t.o. speed
1000 / 540 rpm
Weight without conditioner
approx. 570 kg
Weight with conditioner
approx. 780 kg
Required power without conditioner
51 kW (70 HP)
Required power with conditioner
59 kW (80 HP)
Permanent sound emmission level
91,1 dB(A)
Optional equipment:
• Conditioner
• Swath discs
• Clockwise free-wheeling driveshaft
• Kit for driving motor speed of 750 rpm
All data subject to revision.
The defined use of the mower unit
The "CAT NOVA 310 front" mower is intended solely for normal
use in agricultural work.
The mowing of grassland and short stemmed fodder.
Any other uses outside of these are regarded as undefined.
The manufacturer takes no responsibility for any resulting damage
which occurs henceforth. The risk is carried by the user alone.
The keeping of operating, service and maintenance requirements
layed down by the manufacturer also come under the heading of
„defined use“.
Masch.Nr. / Fgst.Ident.Nr.
Position of Vehicle Identification Plate
The factory number is imprinted on the accompanying Vehicle
Identification Plate (as shown) and on the frame. Guarantee
issues and further inquiries cannot be processed without the
factory number being stated.
Please enter the number onto the front page of the operating
manual immediately after taking delivery of the vehicle/implement.
Technical data